Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread


Brick Lane, London

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Wimbledon today or tomorrow?

Bussed in to support Corbyn



Any more to add to that?

Don’t forget the concy shit bud their infactuation with you is bit strange alright. They might be sexual deviants so be careful.

Don’t mention that shit hole around here again. They called the Garda the last time @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, @The_brisbane_lion, @Funtime and I were there with other internationalists…It was all @croppy’s fault in fairness. He was some mess**

Fair play though, he got a load of insurance money after that break around Lower Howth. They did take the telly and the x box but,

after waiting for their arrival, the Garda asked “have you been upstairs?”

“No” said @croppy

“let’s take a look”

Getting upstairs in front, the Garda turned and said “Ah Jesus the Bastards have ransacked upstairs” …

walking a few steps behind…

@croppy said to the @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy “I don’t think they even came upstairs”

**this was before he met the woman!


Thanks mate, it’s all a bit of fun.
Poor old @carryharry is feeling left out though. :frowning:

have you any contribution to the constipation thread today mate?

I just had a full Irish… It has been a while and will be another while again.


Feeding time in the Zoo

The ravenous thread is just not the same without the great man.

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Are those socks :grinning:


Yeah I was going on a bike trip last night. They do the job. But then I’m a confident guy.

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no doubt you are, nothing wrong with the socks pal,
Why is it that most people have roundy plates but yours is square?:wink:

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Must match my head.


What will I have for supper, lads? Princess is away with the motor so im limited to a Spar up the road with mostly frozen shite… Takeaway is out as I’m an athlete. You’d think she’d do a shop before fucking off.

Take away would be better than most of the frozen shite in spar. You could get a dry Chinese dish with boiled rice