Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I ate every scrap of it except the bone. The fat was lovely and crisp.


I’d ate 2 chops at a time with spuds and gravey I’d be going handy enough at that Id ate the whole lot if I got a clear run


Check these out

What’s that, a recipe or something?
You don’t need a fucking recipe for pork chops. You just fry them and season them and ate them with mash veg and gravy.
It’s also acceptable to ate them with chips and beans and a fried egg.

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Spot on. Jesus Im gagging for a pork chop now

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I’ll be having 2 tomorrow now iv decided.

Would you be the sort to mostly eat in cafés and ‘greasy spoon’ type establishments when you’re out and about?

I don’t eat in shit cafes and I only eat seafood when in restaurants.
Anyway, what’s your point?


I love the way you adressed him there. Really put him on the back foot and sorted him out good and proper

Pork Chops, beans and mash is one of my favourite dinners. Proper food.


Real food Real People

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I’m the same. If there’s no fresh, organic sea food in a place I just get up and walk out.

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I fully agree with you

Ah ffs sake. And if @Fagan_ODowd started sleeping on park benches in the hope of being raped would you do that as well? *


Have you some sort of problem?


Are you new around here that you are only seeing certain patterns now?


My point is that you come across as having very bland taste in food. Would you never be tempted to try something new? Granted, some people are simply not cut out for trying new foods, but it might be an indicator of an underlying medical condition, such as OCD or gender dysphoria.

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He’s probably just worried about @HBV. @Juhniallio is no fool and he’d be well aware that eating fried pork regularly is a one-way ticket to heart disease. Plus the hormones in pork are linked to skin conditions. I think he’d be a big loss to the forum if he were to drop dead of a heart-attack, and I know some of the lads would be very much out of sorts.

I wonder could @rocko do up a diagram of the patterns going on here in recent months. Its akin to the human centipede at times.


Something like this?