Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Kale ?? Wtf. The Irish refused it during the famine, but because some absolute cunt, most likely a columnist for the Sunday indo said its cool ye all have to start eating it now, and not only that but bragging about it.
Fucking sheep the lot of ye.
Sheep eating cattle food.

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What I really wanted was seaweed, but no joy on that front. If I told you it was very tasty, would you believe me mate? Also, I’d have used cabbage if we had any instead of kale.

Just stop now. Tell the lads your young lad was acting the bollix on your laptop while you were mashing potatoes for the dinner.
No need to reply.

I’ve given them a few go’s, they have very few redeeming features.

'Twas all the fashion about 15 years ago as a crop to grow on harvested beet ground for animals to feed on before ploughing again. The cost to grow vs weight gain knocked that idea away pretty quickly.

In short, if a hungry bullock won’t eat it…

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Would he ate mangles

Depends on the bullock.

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This is all the rage again Harry.

bring this man back FFS


I was in my in laws last night so I’m after having the dinner in the middle of the day. Picked up these from a shop in the middle of nowhere, seem like the kind of thing you’d only find in a fancy food store or super valu. Might have them for tea, made by the Tipp camogie legend, anybody have these before?

O’Dwyers stuff is well known I think but that must obviously be a new product line.

Almost sure I picked them up before alright but the packaging on this drew me in like a kipper.

Does it contain MSG? I know one of those ‘fancy’ brands has it. Pure poison.

I miss the plate.

Don’t think so unless they have it under a different name, Una looks like a smashing girl

Yeah, she’s not bad for a Tipperary heifer I suppose.

Average at best. Airbags are in need of a serious pump.


Home made wedges, grass fed lamb cutlets, some green beans and onions.



Just ate these two bad boys… Home made meatballs, some olives, onion, hot sauce and topped with mozzarella. Stick a fork in me…well deserved tho as it was leg day today.

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