Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread


I’m obviously a useless cunt to even ask this but I assume that’s a photoshop of some sort.

nah its Rockos Chinese restaurant in Sutton :rollseyes:


How does he deal with phone orders


:flushed: Photoshop so?

I’m a growing boy

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@Mac. Home made granola- princess style- porridge oats 400g, mixed seeds 120g, mixed nuts 80kg, flaked almonds 1/2 packet, 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 table spoons of honey (melted in microwave for 15 seconds) mix it up and whack it on grease proof paper in a dish and into the oven for 25 mins at 140 degrees. Unreal.

Just reading back. You’d want a big fucking bowl for this @mac

Is “Asian duck” dog?

I’ve the in laws for dinner so I’m cooking bacon and cabbage, question, I’ve two joints that are 1 kilo each, is my cooking time for 1k or 2k?

1 joint. The time:weight ratio is to allow for the additional thickness in the meat. Having said that, I’d be allowing another 20 - 30mins. One thing with bacon, is it’ll take a good boiling!


@backinatracksuit - bacon update please.

I know better than to stick up a bacon and cabbage dinner, there’s fellas here who would rake in the likes for that but I’m not one of them. :pensive:
It was delicious of course, highlight was a head of cauliflower par boiled and then roasted with Parmesan, unbelievable so it was, I had eaten far too much bacon before the dinner though to appreciate it, I was carving and eating to beat the band,
Visitors loved it.

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Bacon and cabbage an odd one for a Sunday?

Roasted cauliflower is honreal

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In laws were around and it’s not a dinner we’d have during the week.
Roasted cauliflower is just incredible, the Parmesan pushes it into the realm of the unrale.

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You can also semi dry fry cauliflower as a side for curries. Very good.

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For years I hated cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, now I can’t get enough of them.
Would that dry fried cauliflower have been par boiled?


No, I haven’t done it in a while but I think you mixed the cauliflower in some dry spices, put a couple of tbsps of water in a hot pan with it and cover the pan for a few minutes. So it’s mostly steamed.

Coq Au Vin Blanc
An unusual twist for the roasters. Slowly saute 6oz rashers, remove bacon and flash sear chicken breasts in bacon fat, remove and sauté onions and mushrooms in the leftover oil, add crushed garlic, butter and flour to make a roux, add a few cups of chicken stock (homemade) and a cup of white wine. Mix in a few handfuls of herbs( I used basil and tarragon from the garden). Cover and simmer in the oven for 30 minutes.

Served with truffle oil mashed potatoes and the best soda bread recipe on the planet.

And butter, and a nice bottle of Gigondas. A worthy feast for Connacht champions.

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Looks great, I’d always use chicken thighs for a dish like that but if you can keep the breasts moist your way is much friendlier on the eye.

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