Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Yeah, there’s the risk of them drying out, but a quick sear, plenty sauce and a short time in the oven generally has good results. Its a delicate dish, unlike the rouge version where I would definitely use thighs or just cut up a whole chicken.

Did you steal my granny’s recipe, you fucker?

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I’m sure its good, but no, it’s a variation of my own mother’s and a version I picked up, of all places, on a Bock the Robber dialog in the comments section. In the middle of a tedious argument that would put this place to shame, one antagonist asked for a soda bread recipe, presumably to lessen the boredom.


I double the recipe, double the baking soda and honey amounts, less buttermilk (there’s too much in this recipe) and make it the traditional way on a baking stone with the cross cut into it.

Bock the robber??

You can fuck off now if you’re telling us you don’t know Bock the fucking Robber?

I had an outrageously good pizza tonight in Pizza San Marco in Midleton, might have been as good a pizza I’ve ever eaten, anybody passing through East cork should try this.

He probably is Bock the fucking robber


I know plenty well about Bock but how does our exiled Galway friend know about him… Or care rather

I can’t remember where I came across him, but I like to read contrasting blogs to get a balanced view of the world. I also lived in Limerick for a stretch, so have an interest in the place.

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That looks lovely, pal.

Thanks pal, just had leftovers for lunch and it was still good.

That place is very average.

Wasn’t average last night, I like a good pizza and it was unbelievably good.

Nice slow cooked ragu on the go here, it’s gonna be savage


This was delicious, nice bit of Parmesan and chili flakes on top with a bit of shop bought garlic bread,

Dried out a bit at the end, kid?

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Not dry in the least, absolutely perfect, it needed to reduce a fair bit from the first photo, here’s the leftovers for the kids lunch tomorrow.

Did your wife and kids enjoy it, mate?

Still the same old quip mate, when do these things get old?


It was a genuine query, pal.

What the fuck is your problem?

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