Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

This thread is gone to shit not a baked organic salmon on show between the lot of ye.


A vile post

It looks like pedigree chum.


Good to hear from ya anyway despite my dissapointment at your review. What had you yourself?
How’s things with the oul doll?

Its grand. I just had two boiled eggs, four cuts of bread, a cup of tea and a slice of apple tart. Wasn’t going to post that until you asked as its unremarkable and unaccompanied by the prerequisite photograph.

I prefer not to reduce the sauce as much myself but each to their own. You can’t beat it as leftovers the next day though. I always find it much tastier the next day.

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The flavour is unbelievable in the reduced sauce, it was plenty wet, maybe the picture didn’t show it best.
I’d love it tomorrow with a baked potato and cheese but the kids will mangle it at lunchtime.

Unremarkable? Sure the whole ‘ravenous’ movement was started by some lad who ate a pizza, a feed of chocolate, tae, biscuits, etc. and was still hungry. There’s nothing unremarkable around here Smark.

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I’d a lovely feed there now, soft fried eggs x 3, about 5 thin rashers, well fried and 4 x slices of fresh white bread, accompanied by a cup of very strong tea.
I’d come in from training late and instead of my bad habits of late of a half a packet of chocolate hob nobs and or a full packet of almond fingers with coffee I actually bothered to prepare a late snack, not sure I’m feeling any better just now but it’s a start in the new healthy eating regime.



Fuck all there to ate and I’m off playing ball in a bit… toast for tea I’d say .

A dinner that @Tassotti would have enjoyed, Ballysteen potatoes, organic Brill :grinning: with lemon caper butter.


He would have hated the plate though.


Brill is an outstanding fish.

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How did you get the brill to match your floor tiles? That’s unreal skill.


Nice spot, hadn’t realised my shoes were in the shot until now either.
I actually plated that up and thought of our departed friend, something about that plate of food.

Ah lad.Just stick a fork in me I’m done.
I’m here in an all inclusive hotel in Alcudia, the grub is unreal.
Massive choice of fish and steaks etc. But the desserts and confectionary will finish me.
The kids brought a load of chocolate, banana, mint, and honeycomb ice cream to the table after I’d made a pig of myself on the fresh tuna and some pork loin.
Sure they couldn’t finish the ice cream and I hate waste so I had to polish it off.
That was all grand, I was busting and didn’t this friendly waitress drop a dozen mini profiteroles to our table, she said she knew I liked my sweet things …
Be fuck I can’t move here.


Glad you’re having an enjoyable holiday, mate.

Sure we’re having a grand old time of it.
Had a few pints this morning ( yes. Morning, circa 11:10am) with a Clare lad.
A certified alright sort. Reckons he’d choke Davy first chance he got, albeit that was after about 5 fast pints in the morning heat.


I’m missing you something wicked around the yard.