Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Chicken Dopiaza… Off the hook. Simple enough to make and a delicious curry.

Throw up your recipe there



Oil, two large onions finely chopped, 4 cloves garlic, two table spoons of curry power (I use hot) one table spoon garam masala, 2 tea spoons ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons cumin, 200ml chicken stock, 1 tin chopped tomatoes… 2/3 chicken breasts cut up. Veg optional…

Heat oil and whack in spices for a min, then fuck in the onion for 5 minutes till it has soaked up all the spice and just beginning to soften a bit. Add the garlic, chicken, stock and tomatoes and season well…(I also add a good squirt of pasata) You leave it simmer away for about 20/ 25 mins… Veg optional- I added mushrooms and courgette as they both needed using.

Simple yet delicious.

You’re in flying form tonight mate. That and the “drive to her house and strangle her” post were worth the subs alone.

Should a dopiaza have quite a lot of onion added at the end as well, either as a garnish or to at least retain a bit of crunch.
Seems like a simple yet decent curry you’ve made. Great way to use up veg.

You’ve a great way about you.

Far too quiet on this thread, I’d love to see a picture of a plate of eggs, you never know what you had until it’s gone.

Anyway lovely bit of lamb rack tonight. Cooked a bit beyond what I wanted.


Could do with being a bit pinker, mate

I know it mate. Well done but still very decent.

Lovely. Could do with being a bit pinker though

Looks more than decent but possibly a tad over cooked?

A bit overdone alright thanks pal.

Ya I’d say I left it in the oven too long, thanks.

Spuds look lovely. I would’ve taken the lamb out about 15 minutes earlier but each to their own tastes.

Great insight as always…we haven’t seen your potato waffles from the toaster in awhile.[quote=“Bandage, post:1772, topic:22211, full:true”]
Looks more than decent but possibly a tad over cooked?

the spuds like great pal as do the peas, lovely and fresh. id only have a small bit of pepper sauce on the side nowadays though, tasty as it can be. there’s something in there about the chest of drawers under your counter top, @iornmoth might clarify

Thanks for your nice words in general but I haven’t a clue what you’re getting at there???

those things bud

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That’s very well presented mate. Did you get side-tracked on the Lovely ladies of the 2016 Olympics thread? The lamb looks a bit cremated if I’m to be brutally honest.