Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

:rollseyes: sounds very vegetarian

That vegan butcher place got a solid review in today’s times. Once again glas is ahead of the curve.


Sure anyone can get a good review anywhere these days if they’re willing to pay for it

I just cooked the greatest chili of my cookery career. It’s fuckin unreal.


I made a red lentil and courgette Dahl last night with Bombay potatoes. Unreal.

I’ve gone roaster and ordered the roast of the day (chicken) in the olde Glenbeigh Hotel.
Had a lovely squid lunch in qcs cahetciveen

And the mother is just after arriving on with a freshly baked apple crumble and a pot of custard. Incredible scenes. What a day.


Did she bring a few bottles of beer with her

friday night takeaway and he there going thru it with his fingers trying to figure it out followed by a lump from s block of HB vanilla icecream then and a few lustre peaches from a tin drenched in preseervative fucked over it, he probably drank the juices out of the can then the cunt


had a grand cravery today in Jack White’s inn outside Arklow
Mash, gravy, roast beef, some parsnip and carrot mash and a portion of chips, washed down with a pint of mi wadi
sweat pouring off the fella serving it
no sign of any Catherine Nevin memrobillia


I picked up 4 bottles of beer in Aldi earlier. I had one with the chili.

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Stopped off at an eating house yesterday and demolished a mighty feed, to the extent that I was filled to bursting it felt like.

And yet, when my lady friend suggested dessert I chanced it, and lo and behold, I was able to finish it off no bother.

Has this food related paradox ever been satisfactorily explained?

My kids have a dinner belly and a dessert belly. Perhaps there is something to it. I assumed they were trying to cod me.

Recipe ?

It’s a scientific fact that dessert slithers down and around obstacles in your stomach. Always room for it.

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What type of beer? Have they anything good?

Did some cooking in Phuket.


Is the bottom one a Tom Yum? Looks sensational pal.


Was it a one day course thing you did. We did something similar on one of the islands years agof, also made an amazing Tom yum.

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I just had a great Thai meal in Joe Cannings place in Limerick, top notch and highly recommend it to all our Limerick posters.
Two of the cranberries were in with their wives, there was no seats so the 4 of them were squashed in a corner on stools and at a window. Also sitting right opposite me were two local models whose name is don’t know but are never out of the leader. I assume they’re bulimic at the rate they were shovelling food down their necks.