Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Nice bit of shteak


Cooking over coals on NFL opening night.
The American Dream.


That’s fantastic mate, fair play to you.

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@Smark please note - steak properly cooked, pan to a high temperature, though I would only put a minimal amount of oil in it, as the fat on the steak should suffice once rendered. @backinatracksuit I assume you only turned it the once? Fine hefty looking skillet, unfortunate there was nothing of the kitchen floor in the pic.

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Whatchya cooking mate?


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It should be turned every 30 seconds.

I’ve tried it hestons way and it’s fine but no better and a bit of a pain for those few minutes. You get a better colour and look on the griddle if you turn it less often. I usually turn twice to get a criss cross that looks the part.

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Yeah griddle is a different story to a pan to get the sexy looking lines. But you still have to turn more than once.

Only cavemen and dummies turn a steak once

a standard 20-25mm sirloin or striploin or even a bit of fillet the same size does not need to be turned more than once or god forbid every 30 seconds.

what you are talking about is a large cut of fillet which is not what the shoe shopper posted sitting in his pan.

a steak that size needs 60-90 seconds each side on high heat. if you give it the same time both sides it will cook evenly


No it wont

thats dumb.

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Searing is the easy part. The challenge is getting it to the desired interior temperature. So, just for illustration, in my house my kids demand their steak saignant, I eat it rare, and Mrs Labane eats it medium. You can’t fucking do all that in a skillet. Two skillets yes, but who wants to deal with two skillets ffs. That’s where the oven and tinfoil comes in lads, it makes the job very simple.

Cooked the remainder of the marinating fajitas indoors tonight. Freezing 21C outside and windy. Served with medium salsa, guacamole, sour cream and cilantro (the herb). Ran out of tortillas.


The missus balked at the price of the scanpan online, she’d have let me have a couple if she could see them probably, they’re a lovely looking yoke.

Coriander mate, this is an Irish forum, you’ll be confusing the muldoons when they break out the old El paso.

That looks delicious Chef, what’s the recipe and method?

I only ever use Old El Paso when I’m knocking up some fajitas. :flushed:

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Before you’re time but I’ve tried to educate them on the difference between the spice coriander and the leaves cilantro but to no avail. Completely different flavors so deserve separate words.

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Did you go roaster and use white pan when you ran out of tortillas?

Chicken (in this case but steak even better), onions and peppers marinated in labane’s secret fajitas sauce. Drain well keeping the marinade and sizzle the living fuck out of them until they are caramelised but not burned. Add back marinate and simmer a few minutes. Everyone to their own, but I would slather a bit of salsa on the tortilla followed by a bit of Guacamole then the fried shit followed by cheese and cilantro. Eating them now for supper with a Long Island Tea.