Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

My understanding is that you can never refer to the seeds as cilantro but either works for the leaf, however I have zero interest in taking it any further.
Looks good anyway, my missus did a similar meal the other night, she made a great guacamole from a Gordon Ramsey recipe.

There’s no fuxking white pan allowed here mate. Just shovel the remainder straight in.

Fair enough and I’m not trying to start an argument either as its not my style, but if someone says cilantro how do you know which one they mean? Here at least we refer to the seeds and the ground seeds as coriander and they taste nothing like cilantro (leaves).

It’s common sense in my case but I do get your point.
Rightly or wrongly though you will never be able to walk into a supermarket here and ask a staffer where the cilantro is, the word just doesn’t exist here, it would have been like asking for a snickers in 1985.

You’d be lucky if they could find you a bit of parsley in my experience.

Had a Chinese-Singaporean food feast there, plus some rendang.


That looks unbelievable. I had a good nose at your partners WhatsApp as well which was nice.


C’mon bro, what’s the secret sauce? We’re all buddies on here.

Yerra it’s no secret, I was just being uncharacteristically beligerent last night (after too much of the other sauce)

A cup of water, tsp salt, pepper, cumin, chilli powder, dried oregano, pinch of ground cloves (opt), 4 cloves crushed garlic, small bunch chopped cilantro (OK, fucking coriander leaves), juice of 1 lemon + 1 orange, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar. Mix and slowly whisk in 1/2 cup olive oil.

Some recipes call for soy sauce, but no proper Mexican trained chef like myself would allow that.


I bought a haype of crab claws in Beshoffs fish shop in Howth yesterday with the idea of frying them in garlic butter for the tea. Also bought some nice brown soda bread to have with them. The kid’s had crab claws in a restaurant before and loved them.
Anyway when I went to cook them I realised they still had shells on them. I spent half an hour hacking away at them with a knife making very little progress. Eventually I sliced the top of my finger with the knife and got thick and fucked the whole lot in the bin. We had fish fingers and brown bread for tea and there wasn’t much in the way of conversation.
Was I mugged off by Beshoffs or is that normally the way crab claws are sold?


Rookie blunder. Lesson learned, move on. Hope it’s not your hole finger you sliced…


I made a majestic ocean pie last night … Haddock, prawns and salmon.

You cook them in the shell on a wok with your garlic, chills and assorted ingredients, break them on the plate and eat the meat out of the claw shells.
You gobshite.


I knew by the look of the fajitas that you had to have been classically trained in Mexican cuisine.


I didn’t have the heart to tell him :joy:

I genuinely haven’t a fucking clue, that’s why i asked. Do the shells crack open like mussels when they are cooked or do you need a shell cracker yoke?

A hammer would do it, @Rocko can lend you one.

Waste of effort definitely not kid friendly

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Not for kids but well worth the effort if you have a lobster cracker yoke.

No wonder kids are soft these days, parents falling over them. Would you not give em a hammer and let em off ffs?