
It’s obvious that I have a very big impact on your life.
It’s nice you care so much.

You have a horrifically dull posting style mate.


CLD cleaning house :clap: :clap:

Top notch posting from CLD alright, some schooling being done. :clap:

Grand bit of fillet there, have some vienetta there to have at a later stage.

I’ve a few rashers on and a few cuts of black pudding. I’ll report back on how i get on with them…

That was fantastic. What i failed to add was i fried up a few mushrooms as well and had toast and red sauce with it. Well worth the effort. I’m some cook.

Late to be eating but was training, just tucking into a few small new spuds, a stuffed mushroom yoke I robbed from the parents fridge and three lovely fillets of fresh mackrel. Job.

Ah that vienetta was tasty out. Would prefer the romantica though if I was choosing a simple frozen dessert mind.

i disagree.
the lack of banter and humour in his posts is quite disgusting.
to me the worst offence a poster can committ is an inability or refusal to sustain and / or engage in any form of banter or
There is nothing more insulting to other posters who make an effort to entertain than to act in a bland, humourless manner,
The prawn made the cunt look like a retard there with his boastings of his corporate trips to the west coast of America, his responses were awful.
MBB and Manus Boyle are also guilty of been utterly shit at posting and for not having a humourless bone in their bodies.

i was ravenous tonight but my thoughts were elsewhere with the cards at kempton and yarmouth getting priority.
instead of a sit down meal with my chums i spent the evening leaning on table in Bruce Betting. The starvation got about 8pm so i resorted to sampling the cullinary delights that were available gratis to punters.
I went to the knorr soup machine where i choose the vegetable option, there were a few sandwiches left over ( that are put there around 1pm) on a plate on the top of the machine so i forced them into me quickly so i could not taste them,
i washed it down with a coffee from the machine,and a few of the buiscuits that had a few flies around them for the evening.
Frank, one of the regular gave me a knowing look as i fucked the last sandwich into me.
Eating food in a bookies is a disgusting practice,

I’m a top notch internetter. I’ve got the degrees in internetting to back this up.

Internetting is quite easy.

You animal.

I’m an anti-banterist. I hate banter.
The word itself makes my skin crawl.

Banter is the kind of drivel and nonsense you have to partake in when humouring some peasant e.g. taxi driver or hairdresser when they are doing your bidding.

Fuck banter. It’s beneath me. I’m a deadly serious corporate sell out.
Banter and small talk is a waste of time.

And fuck you Mickee.
Best of luck on Sunday… :smiley:

\hey thats out in Bellevue isn’t it, you must be with Microsoft so are you?

Have you got a saturday night in Pioneer square? Great spot.

The steak around Seattle in general is top notch.

:lol: :smiley: :lol:

:clap: :clap:

I dined in Montmartre in Sligo tonight, my opening gambit was a Lobster bisque while for main course I went for the Hake. Rather eccentrically I plumbed for a mild red wine instead of a more traditional white. An excellent restaurant, 9/10.

Ah sensational


Outragous scenes as SS puts all the wannabe chefs backin their box.

Nah, I work with a smaller company that has some[many, many] dealings with those MS pricks. :smiley:

Not been out in Seattle at a weekend. Sometime soon hopefully.