


Do you have a problem with my plums?

That post was purely in retaliation to one of yours a while back when I posted in the Good Films thread about watching the film ‘Network’.

No one fucks with Farmer :guns:

You said it CM. Runt thought I would forget the :rolleyes: FFS post but it really hurt my feelings and I was waiting for a chance to get him - and how I did.

Let that be a lesson to the rest of ye.


Today I have learned a valuable lesson.
I thought I could throw my weight around on here and mix it with the more established posters on here, but Farmer has put me firmly back in my box.

It’s alright Runt mate. Don’t beat yourself up too much about it buddy.

What are you jabbering on about man?

chicken casserole witha bit of rice


Chicken Kung Po. Job.

A crisp sandwich - the food of kings.

what flavour, brand of crisp and was there sauce on it, crisp sandwiches are indeed the food of kings

King Crisps, Cheese and Onion, Fresh Bread, No Sauce.

Are Perri crisps gone? Havent seen them in donkeys, lived on them in sandwiches in college during the bad times.

A well aimed FFS :rolleyes: can really set a fella back. Receiving one of them after what you thought was a worthwhile post is the cyber equivalent of getting winded by a kick in the stomach. you also really start to question yourself, your judgement and whole value system, especially if you’re not the most confident of fellas to begin with.

Indeed. It’s up there with getting a ‘Not interested, next’ from the great Flano. I took a week to get over one of those.

I’m going to make a chicken korma and eat it

Is this why you don’t bother posting anything worthwhile B)

count it