
Had a beef with broccoli from the Chinese earlier. Not as good as it was the last night where i gave it an 8/10 in my mind.


where did you go WTB

I am fit to explode here. With the imminent onset of Winter and the shortening evenings i find myself eating more now to bulk up for the onslaught of colder weather.

I had the dinner there at 6pm where i had a homemade burger, three spuds, peas, onions and mushrooms.

I’m just after the supper now which consisted of two toasted ham, cheese and tomatoe sandwiches with a packet of cheese and onion flavoured crisps on the side. I then polished off a slice of warm apple pie and a bowl of icecream. There was tea had with this. I then had a club milk and am currently eating biscuits with my second cup of tea…

Now that’s good eatin’

Tis gone coolish alright dunph the only quibble I have with your feed is the tomatoes in the toasties personally I remain unconvinced of the advantages of them in toasties

I could take them or leave them tbh but they were there so i went for them. I was so eager to eat them i bit in too early and burnt the tongue off myself…

Tomatoes a bit of mozzarella with balck pepper are might but I’m not keen on em in a toastie

I had chicken and pasta myself

Is it gone late for a fry lads

Not at all, plough on…

Oh god im gona burst, good old bacon and cabbage earlier, smoked back bacon, the best. Tea and few buns now, the queencake with iceing type.

I’m gone lazy now might make a BLT

All bacon is good but I can’t manage the home cured stuff myself

Its tough stuff when its too salty. A good soak for a day makes a job of it.

FAO Dunph

Do you ever watch Man V Food?
I’d say it would be right up your street.

the carnivore editions are unreal.

Ah no don’t be watching that show, you’ll fucking ruin it on me.

It tendes to be hairy too

I’ve never seen it but already i like it. Where can i catch it?

Just had a bit of fresh hake there for dinner, covered it in pesto, breadcrumbs and grated cheese and into the oven for 25 minutes, a few boiled spuds, fried cabbage from last night and garden peas. Tea and a bit of fruit cake afterwards then.

I’m not gone on fruitcake but the rest of that sounded sublime…