
An obvious optional extra, can be easily substituted for mushrooms.

Disappointing dunph Disappointing

I had 3 pork chops an entire head of broccoli and 4 spuds I hadn’t eaten since morning

Peppers onions and mushrooms fried in garlic butter, lovely with homemade burgers or steak

Now that is a dinner.

Just after starting a Klipso bar here, ah the memories.

Beef and Stout stew with carrots, turnip, celery & spinich last night with plenty of mashed spuds. It was absolutely marvelous. Will be having seconds for dinner this evening

Beef casserole this evening

I have troubling news there is strike action at the teacake factory in Scotland I’d eat the six of em in the box with two mugs of tea

Chicken stir fry this evening not great really

That’s bad luck but would you ever consider using chocolate buns as a subsitute? I had four of those bad boys just there with a cup of tea after the dinner. For dinner i had a few spuds, two burgers, carrots, parsnips and onions. It was exquisite.

That’s a fine feed dunph a fine feed, as for the chocolate buns would you enter a Jack Russell in a grey hound race now I’m not saying there is anything wrong with chocolate buns but it just wouldn’t be the same

Just after a fine feed of beef stroganoff followed by a bowl of apple crumble and cream. I must say stroganoff is quiet a nice alternative to beef stew from time to time.

I’m provisionally down to have a stew tomorrow…

Liver, onions, garlic, bacon and mashed potatoes. :smiley:

Never tried liver, don’t think I’d be too tempted to try offal anyway. Could you compare it to anything or is it a class of it’s own?

Stopped off in Nenagh on the way home from the ploughing and ate in Mamma’s for the first time in my life sober and must say it does taste every bit as well as it does when pissed on the odd sunday night I have frequented it…Only down side is i am farting like a cunt all evening…

What type of eatery is Mamma’s?

A takeaway pizzaria and chipper…noble feed…

Did you have the hang saniche pizza with the gook box on the side

Can’t really compare it, it has its own distinctive taste that isn’t overbearing. Nice texture as well once you don’t overcook it. On top of that, supposed to be very good for you and is very cheap.

Liver is disgusting