
Was in Limerick too, closed last year also.

Worst service I have received was in the Holywell in Ennis. Ignorant staff who didn’t give a shit. No manager on duty the night I was there. Wasn’t surprised to see it go.

KP, you heard of a place called the Tide Full Inn in Kinvara. Cousin of mine was telling me it was a lovely place for a meal. Yea or nay?

Had a savage dinner tonight. Chicken fillet stuffer wit a cream cheese/ballymaloe relish mix, wrapped in a thick smoked rasher, roast spuds, celery and carrotts and a bit of bread stuffing.

Yeah, haven’t eaten there yet apart from some pizza taken away a few weeks ago. Mixed reviews from what I hear. Italian food mainly I think.

didn’t bother wite the fish after just after two helpings of corned beef and cabbage

Just after the dinner there - homemade Irish beef stew with three big spuds. It was so good i went back for seconds and cleared what was left in the pot for tomorrows dinner. I’ll go out and make tea now shortly after i’ve this digested, there’s a world of biscuits out there to be ate. Big open fire on here now too, it doesn’t get much better than this…

Epic stuff Dunph.

Just had stir fry duck there. Duck is probably my favourite meat.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Was there pearl barley in the stew dunph, I like pearl barley in my irish stew might make one tomorrow, is it a turf fire of a wood fire dunph

I’d be slow to order duck, i can think of properly 10 different fish/meats that i’d prefer. But each to their own…

No pearl barley in it turfcutter, might give it a try the next time.

A turf fire of course…

There’s no better smell then burning turf in the stove. I’m going for the lazy option tonight and having a simple spag Bol. Homemade sauce of course. Good and quick so I’ll watch a bit of champions league after.

Just ordered a bit of Phed Lou Dang with a side of Ganeg Phet Pak Raom just there now. The delightful bird who took my order said should arrive in about 25 minutes.
mmmm, can’t wait

Some of stuff from Chinese can be tasteless enough but
I cooked it myself. Saw a butcher in town advertising it so picked up a couple of breasts.

On a similar note, there’s not a whole lot of wild duck around for shooting this year, pheasant is plentiful alright but I’ve never tried that.

Thanks for letting us know.

Is this thread one big long wind up? if so it’s genius

Disappointing to see you stoop so low bandage, don’t hate the players hate the game if you must

I met a farmer in the city earlier at lunch so enjoyed a healthy sit down lunch. Consequently I’m on the homemade soup this evening but full credit to Mrs Rock it’s a delight. Carrots, potatoes, leeks, parsnips and a few others all sweated together in the pot and then churned into a sublime broth. Couple of slices of brown bread and butter on the side, a glass of apple juice and a pair of homemade chocolate chip cookies and a mug of tea to follow. Wonderful stuff.

Now your talking! :clap:

That’s more like it Rocko and a far cry from the shite you were talking yesterday about superquinn and dairygold. :clap: