
I spent a good while in the place and bought a good few bits and pieces,saw some vendors selling decent cuts of meat but it was predominently economy stuff that was on sale,a sign of the times,O Connell seafoods had the dearest fish ive ever seen for sale,€16.50 per kilo for fish pie mix,€20 for a handy sized bag of prawns,unbelievable prices.

Great food hall though,some smashing stuff in there.

Just after having a noble Caffrey’s tea cake/marsh mallow thing (well four of them) that was in the kitchen there.

Seems to be some sort of special tea cake for Halloween.

A Kilo of prawns is quite a bit Link. Good place alright, must head over myself today.

Havent seen any braic around yet now that I think of it. Have your tea cakes Farmer, an aul cut of braic is the job with a mug of tea.

Not a kilo of prawns,a handy sized bag of prawns €20,nothing cheap about it but the standout rob of the day was €16.50 for a kilo of fish pie mix,think about the weight of a bag of sugar,it wouldnt be a whole lot of fish.

Not sure whats in a fish pie mix but it seems steep alright, but i know if you were to go and buy a kilo of prawns in a shop it would be a nice bit more than 20.

Noticed Fish Pie being over priced as well actually in restaurants, its a strange one.

The dinner is calling me now in around half an hour.

Up carveries.

A dirty, wet, windy , dark day… No better way to brighten it up with a bowl of ox-tail soup, plenty of pepper and a feed of ham with mustard sambo’s !

I ate a half pounder burger last night with chips, I haven’t been able to eat since.

pigs head is bit last year link, was at a posh doo with the mrs and it was on the menu for around €30, what way are you going to cook it or will mrs link be put in charge of it.

Have to agree with the limerick crowd here stuffed hearts are a fine meal and you can beat a bit of liver or a kidney with a mixed grill very partial to corned beef myself, about to have a feed of cottage pie shortly

Just after a NOBLE Indian in oranmore, onion bajee, chicken buna and garlic nan. Fed till the breakfast!

I had korma earlier today. The naan bread is the business to mop it up.

At my pretentious best just there.
A nice chunk of monkfish wrapped in basil & parma ham with a few roasted tomatoes and baby potatoes.
Hit the spot.

two helpings of beef casserole I’m fit to burst


Three lamb chops, a few spuds, carrots, parsnips, onions and gravy myself around 6.30pm followed by a bowl of warm apple crumble. I’m going attacking a packet of biscuits now. I’m insatiable here this evening i could eat all around me…

Tunnock’s tea cakes are the tea cake officially recommended by the TFK admin team.

Wasn’t at all hungry when I arrived home this evening as I had a massive carvery for lunch, but still felt restless and wanted to cook something.

Three rashers and two sausages under the grill, scrambled two eggs and a cup of tea.

Sorted now.

Didnt have any toast (i.e carbs) - leaf out of Jugs’ book there. Dont have that bloated now feeling as a result.

Do you not getting sick of eating carveries every day, Farmer?

Also, are there carbs in toast?

We must have a weight in some day here?

Some lads here must have the metabolism of mountain goat or else they’re fierce fat cunts.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 290636”]

Do some people have really good metabolism, i mean superb metabolism? What explains this? Is it in the genes or what?