
You animal.


Came home to a roast this evening. Chicken, potatoes (mashed and roasts) and turnips. A fantastic feed in this weather.

I stole half a roast chicken from the parent place yesterday evening and cut if up for sandwiches for today. Loads of salt and mayonaise. Unfortunately the sandwiches are still sitting at home on the counter after I forgot them this morning :angry:

I hate that!

my eating this week is shit. have a loaf of bread and some cheese and ham for lunch for the next few days, and stuck eating shit carvery dinners in a crappy hotel. looking forward to getting home and having some proper food again.

Had slow roasted lamb shank stew there at the weekend with carrots, celery, turnips and mash.

Absolutely unreal. Up there with beef and guinness as my favourite winter dinner

Have the left overs of Thai Green Curry in with me today for lunch.
Fella (yes a fella) in work here on a diet and has salad for lunch.
Eating salad during the winter :rolleyes:

This could be a record breaking day

Usual toast and coffee at 8am

Porridge and two kippers at 11

Soup and 2 toasties there now

Planning a roast chicken with a bit of bacon this evening

Soup is the diet supplement for winter, what an eejit. :rolleyes:

About to have a mug of tea and a snickers duo will watching the BNP burst some paki’s on more 4 in a few minutes

2 good thick slices of boiled bacon, including streaky end. In a large pot boiled along with a turnip and devoured with 3 scoops of mashed Kerrs Pink.

how was your trip ??

what trip???

Fuck you anyway I was sure you were across the water

Across the Shannon?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Skipped lunch today, was famished when I got home had a look in the fridge and cobbled together a ballontine of quail wrapped in parma ham with puy lentils, roasted pine nut salad & red wine vinaigrette followed by a roast halibut with
smoked mackerel croquettes, sautéed mussels & salsa verde, baby boiled potatoes and steamed broccoli.

Then I remembered I had a leftover slice of sicilian pistachio cake with golden neoclassic butter cream & balsamic vinegar ice cream in the fridge from last night for dessert, all washed down with a mug of tae and a half packet of raspberry creams, absolutely bloated I was, I haven’t been myself since…

The Halibut was beautiful, in fact I’d go as far as to say it was good enough for Jehovah…

Balsamic Vinegar Icecream. :huh:

Three rashers, two sausages under the grill.

Two slices of Pat the Baker’s wholegrain bread in the toaster.

Make a sandwich.

Add a dallop of coleslaw on the side.

Cup of tea.

Ah lovely.

Superb, Farmer.

Only two sausages? You’d want at least 4 to make a proper sandwich.