
He sits on it and farts.

had two serving of beef casserole this evening having a mars duo with a mug of tea now

I was reading a book this week by this guy who claimed to have eaten ginsters pies for dinner throughout the entirety of the nineties and with this in mind I dramatically lowered my sights when buying my dinner this evening. Looking for anything that wasn’t at least 50% pre-made seemed pretentious and arrogant so I ended up getting a kilo of carrolls lasagne and a packet of grated cheese which I am going to pour into a pot of pasta with some Loyd Grossman brand sauce. Loyd Grossman’s sauce is possibly the most overrated food stuff in the history of the word. I honestly don’t know why it’s been put on such a pedestal. The book wasn’t about ginsters pies by the way, it was just incidental to the story.

Are you ever tempted to exaggerate a little bit? would be very easy for a lad to push one serving up to two or turn a mars into a mars duo. We’d never know (or give two shiny shites to be fair).

If turfcutter is the same lad I think he is, then given the size and length of him, he would have no problem eating that…

Turfcutter’s ancestors would have roamed the barren plains of the burren, occasionally happening across a lame goat and devouring him whole. These are not the kind of people who exaggerate when it comes to food.

Althoigh i once heard a rumour that a half pound of mince would do the Earley household for the week

I’ve a mate from Galway who’s fond of the grub and was in college with Blaine. He said no matter how good a job you thought you’d done, there were some things you’d put on Blaine’s plate that he just couldn’t finish.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well you can believe me or not I’m not really that pushed but do you ever see me posting up about eating a load of rubbish or takeaways but in fairness I do like mars bars

Tis said a good mart in ennis would not keep the new market lads fed for a week

I actually bought a mars duo not 5 minutes ago…

looking at a few of them this year you mightn’t be far wrong…

One goat what good is one goat that wouldn’t feed a small child for god sake.

Tis all the work and the cold that has me hungry

Yea they were in good condition alright

Juat after a feed of prawns there from the chinese and i’d pizza and chips earlier.

What sauce did you get?

A pineapple sauce, it was middling to poor. I’ll go back to the sweet and sour the next time though i am tempted to try a curry sauce with them.

Dunph, Do you mind if I ask what weight are you?? You seem to eat an amount of junk… ever thought of doing a bit of cooking??

Lets just say, the last time he went to Ballybunion they asked him to move to let the tide come in

Yes i do that’s a very personal question.