
Suggest a bar or something else nice that i can purchase in the shop before the darts action starts please.

What height, weight and build are you?

A Farmer wouldn’t eat that, or a man throwing up blocks 12 hours a day, not to mind an unemployed graduate. I find that really hard to believe that you’d eat a Chicken Curry now, and a Chip supper 3 hours later.

Thats about 1200-1500 calories, thats some amount at this time of the day?

i have become quite fond of doubledeckers in recent times

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 291139”]
What height, weight and build are you?

A Farmer wouldn’t eat that, or a man throwing up blocks 12 hours a day, not to mind an unemployed graduate. I find that really hard to believe that you’d eat a Chicken Curry now, and a Chip supper 3 hours later.

Thats about 1200-1500 calories, thats some amount at this time of the day?[/quote]

Kev, that’s normal.

just shy of 5"11, 13 stone 10 last time i weighed myself, would be fairly well built across the shoulders…I would have no problem eating two dinners of the evening depending on the space between but would normally try and hold out and have a big feed around 6.30/7 pm…would normally have a yougart and banana about 7 in the morning and a roll around midday…

What about lunch and breakfast Dunph? I mean if he’s got the build for it then fair enough, or if he’s working hard, training hard etc. Puke said on here or AFR before he was around 6 foot and not over weight. An average 6 footer couldn’t sustain eating like that if they were doing fuck all.

I’m only looking out for the man.

Well, if the frame can carry it then fair enough, i’m right in saying your not over weight?

Your eating is kinda back to front though (as with most westerners). Its better to eat bigger in the morning and kinda cut down as the day goes on. That is the ideal way, and doesn’t suit everyones work/lifestyle etc.

This is very informative here, and tells alot about individuals and what way they should eat and train. Link

Duly noted and i have taken your advice on board. Looking forward to it later with a cup of tea. I have apple pie and fresh cream to eat first…

exercise would never be a problem with me, but as i said on a similar topic here before, in a few years when i give up the sport I can see the pounds piling on a bit due to diet…When i was at fuck all i would walk 3 or 4 mile every morning along with training most nights of the week( or gym/handball/badminton in the winter)

I had a Picnic bar the other day, I hadn’t had one in ages. A truly noble bar.

I was flicking through the channels there and Nigella was on. She’s cooking up a storm. I’d watch her mixing ingredients all day.

go for the double decker duo dunph…

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 291144”]
Well, if the frame can carry it then fair enough, i’m right in saying your not over weight?

Your eating is kinda back to front though (as with most westerners). Its better to eat bigger in the morning and kinda cut down as the day goes on. That is the ideal way, and doesn’t suit everyones work/lifestyle etc.

This is very informative here, and tells alot about individuals and what way they should eat and train.Link[/quote]

Kev, what comes after the Endomorph?

You must be as healthy as a horse with all these bits of info on dieting and training and all that. This thread could do with a a bit of nutritional suggestions come january for the new years resolutions.

Just popped over to the shop and amongst other things I bought a Wham Bar :clap:

Had a lovely roast beef dinner there an hour ago with mash, carrots and broccoli. Getting a slice of appletart and icecream for the darts now.

Eh, the pint intake in recent weeks has been unusually high. Had a serious long hurling/football season, so enjoyed the time off. But other than that i would be healthy enough alright.

Food is only something that i really took notice of after living with a bird a few years ago, she really opened my eyes. Much like Puke i think when i’m going over that hill (around now) physically i felt i would be prone to it a little weight gain and wanted to avoid that as much as possible. I would develop a little pouch alright during the winter if i drank a good bit and just did the minimum exercise. But sugars (of which booze is full of) is quite bad for me and whatever way i’m built will always just deposit at the bottom of my stomach, as is the way with alot of men. I’m a Mesomorph.

But nothing to do with weight, i hadn’t counted on how much food affects your mood, sleep, positivity etc. And it all is true to be honest, and i would have been skeptical at first. So the food is just an interest, the Exercise part i have studied, for years and continue to do so. Thats a passion.

My brother is like this. He’s nearly forty now and built like a greyhound, except in the the past 4-5 years he’s developed a serious stomach.

On the other hand were I to put on weight it would gather on my limbs, especially on my legs. Is there a name for that, Kev?

Had a bit of Irish stew there no complaints at all

FAO the Puke I am convinced you are under eating, you need more spuds

fat arse syndrome…

Homosexual post of the year