
I have a pizza in the fridge but am unsure whether to throw it on now while watching Come Dine With Me or wait another hour till around 5ish. Decisions, decisions…

throw it in now, that way it will have a bit more time to digest before supper later…just after a couple of satsuma’s & a kitkat chunky there with a mug of tea

I won’t be having supper till around 10.30 or so, will get a cod and chips after the dogs…

Have a bit of chicken and chorizo pasta in a spicy tomato sauce lined up with a nice cut of Polish Tiger loaf. Bread of champions

Good stuff Spidey.

Beef and Guinness stew with mash last night. Accomapanied by a few glasses of wine and followed by rhubarb tart and icecream.

Roast chicken with potato cakes this evening. A good weekend of eating

That polish bread is the business. Half a loaf of that and a few bananas is a great feed in itself. Chorizo is nice alright but fairly heavy on the saturated fat.

Plan on roasting up a chicken breast on the bone accompanied with some baby spuds and marrowfat pies in a while

:blink: :blink:

You must be leppin mate.

Cadbury’s Mini Rolls and a cup of tea.

One of life’s simplest pleasures.

oops, typo…

Where can this Polish tiger loaf bread be purchased? Besides Poland obviously…

your local polish shop or bakers

Your local Polski Sklep. My son is half-Polish. Some good cuisine out of the country, I have to say. Asky for krokiety and pierogi if ye ever get a chance. Krokiety in particular are savage stuff, fried pancakes full of musroom, onion and and some other stuff.

Created a lovely chicken stew type thing earlier. It was the business, chicken peices, veg, tomato, paprika and the most of a bottle of white wine. Job.

Just having a Ricecrispy Square & a Creme-Egg bar here with a mug of scald

I’m after destroying myself eating a half loaf of brown soda bread first with marmalade and then a big packet of wine gums, talk about fit to explode…

Had some Spag Bol about half five and did a gym session around 7.30…Was absolutely ravenous there a few minutes ago but the local shops were closed so I had no choice but to toast up a somewhat stale burger bun and put a slice of cheese and a bit of bbq sauce in it…It filled a hole

Bun burgers are the last refuge of a ravenous man. I had to take a few out of the freezer for toast myself the other morning

I’ve often turned to them as well. They’re tasty enough. Beats eating a jar of mayonnaise any day.