
There would have been a Cuba Street after Guevara’s visit only the bishops wouldn’t allow it. Pricks. :angry:

I’ve been hungry all day and earlier i stocked up on blueberry pie, saurkraut and taytos amongst other things. Just after having a fry up accompanied by some lovely brown soda bread and tea. I had saurkraut on the side as well, not sure if it goes well with a fry though. I will have some pie now…

Puke will be makings many soups and eating them through a straw when Kev is finished with him. I look forward to some delicious recipes.

yeah, good one…

I don’t have a midlands accent :rolleyes:

I’m fit to explode here, must open the belt…

What are people’s thought on Tuna, have been trying to work a bit of it into my regular diet but find it bland enough, wouldn’t be gone on the texture of it

Tinned tuna is ok in an emergency with mayonnaise, scallions and sweet corn, fresh tune is delicious with noodles and a wedge of lime

I had a bit of Hake this evening

I don’t eat it myself for some reason though it’s not because i detest it or anything. I have friends who eat it the whole time in sandwiches and swear by it but i prefer the likes of ham, beef, lamb etc. In saying that, i’d a lovely trout for dinner this evening.

What are peoples opinions on saurkraut? I think i ate too much of it. When i came home from the shop with it i started eating it from the jar, then had some afterwards with my dinner of trout, spuds and carrots and again then with my fry a while ago…

sauerkraut will make you fart something wicked dunph

Is there anything Turfcutter doesn’t know or appreciate about grub? Fresh tuna steaks are superb. Tinned is ok in a toasted cheese sambo.

I like my dinner alright TRE there are very few things I don’t like food wise, baked beans would be high on the list

Baked beans with some cayenne pepper thrown on is magnificent. Not mad on tuna from a tin. IMO the best value tinned fish is the mackerel from Lidl. 75 cents I think it is. Great in a sandwich with lettuce and mayo and actually very nice in a stir-fry with rice. Tremendous value and a sustainable fish so you will keep Hugh Fearnley whatever his name is happy.

A fry up again for me here now and i’ll be having a stew later on. This is the life…

What would lads thought on Subway be…must say I am a big fan of their rolls…just after a lovelty 12" turkey, cheese, lettuce, red onion & mayo roll from there and it was noble…

Had a couple on holidays and thought they were horrid. The odour out of the shop on Amiens Street is fairly rank also.


Awful place.

Mackerel is the nicest fish of all IMO, fresh mackerel fried in butter with brown bread is delicious, I must try the tinned mackerel.

:clap: :clap:

We go fishing for mackerel in the summer. Sea to your plate in an hour, done on the pan with a bit of flour. Superb and impresses the women no end with your hunter-gatherer skills.

Have to get a fucking Chinese tonight. Not a big fan of Chinese takeaways - anyone care to recommend something beyond chicken balls?