
Chicken curry, mate.

I can’t see anything that basic on the menu. It’s all ginger this and black bean that. Might get Mrs Rock to just ask for it anyway. Be weird if they can’t do a chicken curry.


Rocko ring them up there and order some kind of king prawn dish, might i recommend king prawn in sweet and sour sauce. Some people like it in curry sauce but i haven’t tried it yet…

Rocko doesn’t do phone calls

I had a lovely bit of sweet and sour chicken earlier

made a lovely pork casserole tonight for dinner. georgeous with rice and fcuk all effort to it.

this fuck has 40 posts here?

would you like the recipe but just can`t bring yourself to ask :stuck_out_tongue:

fine feed of fish and chips. loads of bones though,

Perhaps not the right thread but has anyone any nice and easy milkshake/smoothie recipes? I know there’s a load if you google them but they always seem to contain one or two ingredients that I don’t have or have never heard of.
Just made a milkshake there with a glass of milk, frozen banana and pear, vanilla essence and a bit of sugar. Very tasty but it’s the same as I always make and I’m getting fed up with it.

I am relatively new to this smoothie lark having only recently purchased a blender. I had a delightful smoothie yesterday of three small bananas, two large tangerines and a sizeable dollop of natural yoghurt.

On an unrelated matter, I am absolutely fucking ravenous now.

I need my lunch soon or I will be getting ratty.

Have started making my own lunch at work recently.

Today it will be a white Cuisine de France roll, 2 large slices of Carroll’s ham, Supervalu cheese coleslaw topped with grated red Cheddar cheese. It will be washed down wiith a can of 7up. I also have a Snickers bar for consuption with a cup of coffee later.

That Carroll’s ham is the right job. As nice as you will get out of a packet.

Have you tried Brady Family Deli-style Ham? It’s absolutely superb. They’d a two for one deal on it in Dunnes last week.

Had to serving of lasagne this evening, kind of hungry again thinking about a sausage sandwich

[quote=“turfcutter, post: 291473”]
Had to serving of lasagne this evening, kind of hungry again thinking about a sausage sandwich[/quote]

Had one myself an hour ago, my advice is go for it…

They’re a bit sickening I find. Had a lovely steak this evening. Must have a rummage for a few biscuits in a minute.

What kind of biscuits

A pork roast this evening from a pig we killed last year. As tasty a meal as I ever layed into… topped with Mashed spud (Scallions, drop of milk and butter) and carrot and parsnip mashed.

And plenty cold meat for tomorrows sandwiches.

The pig meat is nearly gone now, the spring lamb is the next for the chop.