
They’re a townie dinner.

:lol: :clap:

Is there meat in a spice burger? If there isn’t then they should be shunned.

The kind of meat they were getting from the gym mats in the simpsons I’d say.

There’s some kind in them alright, they don’t come in a bap and this exactly what i wanted after my week in Cheltenham…

I took a quick run up to Grafton Street at lunchtime there as I had to get some trousers altered. I took a quick pit stop in the Long Stone where I had a hot turkey roll with cheese. Fucking gorgeous it was but I’m glued to the jacks now. Cant even walk properly, have to double over with the knots in my stomach. Fuck it, was worth it.

Bizarre, I also had Turkey for my dinner (carvery) and have also been stuck to the bowl since.

Why would anyone eat turkey sandwiches. I have got into a phase the last week or so where my preferred sandwich filling is tuna…

Passed an Eddies at lunch and said fuck it, why not. Slider meal, €6.50, where could you go fucking wrong I ask ya?

No worries mate, thought it might have been a Green Party conspiracy to cod people into switching from meat to lentils or something.

A few things Clarkey. Were you altering the girth of the trousers or the length and has this something to do with your lunch options? Also, why did you lunch in the Long Stone if you were on Grafton Street at this time?

Regarding turkey, I think the best Turkey sandwich in the area is in the Metro Cafe on South William Street, turkey, lettace, brie, tomato, dressing on ciabatta. Very, very good indeed.

hiya mate. I was getting a pair of cords shortened. I dashed from the IFSC up to a place on south Anne street. On my dash back I nipped into the long stone as I think it’s a noble establishment. They cut the roast turkey and fire it into a roll there. Splendid. Pity about my hole though. Smell of shit off me in the office. Then shocking itchy hole on the walk home. Christ on a bike.

Had the finest piece of rib eye steak (rare, griddle pan) this evening, jaysis, you cant beat the quality of a local butcher that kills his own Herefords.

For those interested it was accompanied by 3 spuds, fried onions and mushrooms, garden peas, brocolli and a pint of milk ( real milk from the tank ).

Tucking into 2 packets of taytos now with heavily buttered doorstep white. Have 4 large bottles of stout in the fridge, they wont see 11.

Good times. I like this thread.

Thats sound like the perfect evening.

Where is that butcher
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What an awesome post. :clap:

This thread could become quite anemic with Bandage and WTB only able to post about their boring vegetarian experiences from now on.

Just had a cup of tae and a penguin bar. Penguin bars are nice.

A baseless claim and a poor rejoinder to your humiliating exposure on the hunting thread.

It wasn’t a claim, merely an observation on your love of animals. This thread will be all the poorer for it.

I’m badly rattled by this news, I find the revelation about Bandage unsurprising despite the claims he is portly BUT WTB’s conversion is shocking the new market apatite is legendary in Clare half a heifer and two bags of spuds hardly last the week down there