
Stupid fucking racist old bats. Up Poland.

Anyway, I had a Chicken and Bacon Tripledecker sans onion from O’Briens today for the first time in years. It’s potentially a hell of a feed but I think the quality of ingredients in those shops has gone down a notch or two since its glory days. I used to eat about 5 a week when I was in my early 20s, working in Ballsbridge and fancied a Spainard behind the counter. Good (and fat) days. Any other Tripledecker enthusiasts here?

Don’t like O’Briens. Used to get the odd tripledecker years ago and I’d swap sausages in for bacon and stuffing in for something else (onions maybe). For a sandwich shop they put fuck all effort into their ingredients and wonder why they went bust. Their meat is shite and their bread is shite. Sandwiches didn’t die in the recession - just places got far better than O’Briens at making them. For cheaper usually.

I haven’t had an O’Briens since my days in Dublin and they had the sandwich bar concession in the staff canteen. The triple decker were decent but even at subsidised prices i was never a big fan of O’Briens.

Yeah, give a small sample of blood and send it off to a lab in Oxford.

Bread, Dairy, Nuts, Yeast showed a high intolerance.

I knew it was coming though, some of my hangovers over past few years have been epic. From here on in its Whiskey, Vodka or Gin… so be wary if you want to include me in your round.

Sinus infections every second month cause of dairy…

Total avoidance for 3 months, then slowly introduce mild forms of the food again and monitor results.

I’ll give it a go!

That’s pretty shit.
What’ll you put on your coco pops?

It pretty much rules out all breakfast products except a fry!

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 291661”]

This entire thing sounds pretty windy and dare I say it, ghay. Are you sure you’re not a townie cunt who gets tucked into bed by his mother every night? Explain yourself KP. This is troubling.

Windy is a good word for it SS* :o

Yeah, its sound cuntish. But at least I’ll be a hard cunt ordering neat Jameson any time I enter a bar.

The basics that I like are still available to me. All meat and fish, all veg, all spices, all fruit, spuds, brown rice and Oats. So it could be worse…

Its inherited, I guess the crowd that went before me were full blown alcoholics or something and the intolerance developed.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 291661”]
Bread and dairy I couldn’t live without, not a chance. Brown bread anyway, I never eat that white shite. And milk, cheese and yogurts, sure they make up a large percentage of my daily intake. Yeast wouldnt be too bad, I’ve developed a taste for cider to ensure I get my 5 a day when out so would manage fine without beer. Nuts could be tricky, having to read the ingredients on alot of products.

That whole piece of info has pretty off putting and I don’t think I’ll bother getting tested now. I’ll just suffer on enjoying all those food types…

Devoured a few slices of some home made Rhubarb tart just there… Really hit the spot.

I can’t stand Rhubarb tart…

I had a dream last night where all i did was eat pizza. I was staying in a hotel and ordered a pizza to my room which i ate. I then felt the urge for another pizza and i must have been ashamed of what the delivery guy would think of me so this time i ordered it to a janitors office instead and hid there until he arrived. The janitors office was small and looked something like below. I’m trying to figure out the meaning of the dream. Is my subconscious telling me i’m a glutton?


Just sitting down now to a bowl of nettle soup. Seems tasty enough


Nettle soup. I’ve never had it before but it’s supposed to be seriously good for you. Tasty too.

I’m absolutely fuckin ravenous and there isn’t a thing in the house.

Go out and eat some nettles

no nettles grow around here short arse.

I was in the same situation a while ago and put on a few sausages which i wasn’t gone on. Go to the shop…

Thats the stoney bare soil of Clare for you. Can’t even grow a few nettles.

if i was in clare i wouldn’t be having this issue… never an evening passed withoout a top class meal on the table.