
I have no opinion on it as i only eat bachelor beans. I have never knowingly ate heinz beans so wouldn’t be in a position to comment on whether or not the new jar is likely to impact on the taste.

I was out and about earlier so I stopped off in Kanum and had a stir fried beef with lemongrass and mixed vegetables, with fried rice.

A noble bit of scran.

That sounds like an indian? Was it an indian? I’m going to get an indian some evening this week, and eat him.







I think you should post even more on this thread so that this page disappears quickly from sight.

You disgust me you pigs.

Dunph, are you THE LINK WALSH ?

Dunph isnt smart enough to be link.

I wish…

I have taken a step back in time and am enjoying a Mr Kipling French Fancy. A small square of utterly processed pink muck.

Dunph as a regular customer of my local indian can I offer this advice? indian is a quare
sort of dish. You need to take it handy starting off. No need thinking you are the hard fella ordering a lamb vindaloo straight off. If insets you I’d be looking for something like a lamb phall or something like that, it starts off slow but builds up to a lovely spicy flavour.

As a side note, this is a grand auld thread but I wonder if some of ye cud throw up
a few recipies of the culinary delights that ye concoct?

Now you said it…

Surely cancerous but what the hell.

I suppose every cunt will be barbecuing this evening jeasus I hate barbecue, who eats their dinner outside ???

Cook it outside, eat it inside TC.

I fcuking murdered a lovely piece of fillet steak on the bbq there, had it turned up too high… FFS. Black charred meat is meant to be cancerous? Ah well, here goes… :o

You should be kicked up the hole twice for destroying a fine piece of meat

Shut the fcuk up and read your Journal TC!

I salvaged the most of it anyway but I was devastated nonetheless.

PS: any decent agricultural advisor down your side of the country, the Teagasc lad in South Galway is wrecking my head.