
It says on the packaging that you can. First time i’ve seen the option with sausages, wasn’t sure it was even possible tbh. Might give it a whizz and see how they are. Someone else here must have tried it at one stage?

In other news, i had a boiled egg and toast this morning as part of my breakfast. A simple and often overlooked pleasure.

If they are in a packet fry em.

Boiled eggs are noble feeding I like two soft boiled eggs around lunch time with brown bread but you really need fresh eggs (no more than 4 days old)

This is a simple but delicious dish…

Ingredients- white fish (preferably cod )
Fresh basil
Cherry tomatoes
Creme fraiche ( depends on how many you are cooking for but 3/4 of a carton will do for two)
Parmesan cheese.

Pack the fish tightly into oven bake bowl / deep dish, sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper if you want. Completely cover the fish in basil leaves before covering all that with the creme fraiche. Plant some cherry tomatoes cut in half down into the creme fraiche and grate a generous amount of the parmesan over the lot. Have the oven pre heated and piping hot at 225 before whacking it in for 25 mins. Simple but so tasty… Few oven roasted veggies and spuds to accompany it.

That sounds superb, CM. Fish is a fucking wonderful, eh, species.

Today for my lunch I went to an all you can eat Indian on Clanbrassil Street. And I did, indeed, have all I could eat. Rolled back to the office, so I did. €.6.50 with a big selection of dishes. Superb stuff.

Sausages out of the oven are noble especially if it is a big thick good quality butchers sausage or a cumberland sausage, would normally brown in the pan for a couple of minutes and then throw it in the oven for around 10-12 minutes with some onions

What would you put those bad boys on, a cooking tray?

Anyone else eat ‘Start’, the cereal? Just after a bowl of it there, top notch stuff, couldn’t recommend it enough.

If it’s good enough for Sally Gunnell then it’s good enough me.
A noble cereal.

What sportsperson is on the front these days, Dunph? I don’t think I’ve eaten a bowl since the days when it was being endorsed by Chris Boardman. I imagine there’s fuck all nutrition in it. Your man Kellog is some chancer.

Never heard of it up to now Dunph. Could you describe it please? I’m about to settle down for a bowl of Frosties here for supper.

There’s no sportsman on the front of it these days as it sells itself…

Get yourself a box of it Bandage, i wouldn’t be able to do it justice describing it to you. You don’t even have to be an amateur athlete like the Runt to eat it, it is a cereal that IMO anyone could sit down to and enjoy in the evening.


Can you little boys not rustle up something a bit more substantial , healthy or even tasty rather than sugar fueled carb snacks

I’d rustle up a few pancakes if i had the ingredients and knowhow…

I am a big boy.

Call me big boy.

Had a few fresh mackeral (that were caught be my neighbour) there an hour ago, unreal tasty though a bit of heart burn setting in now.

The two mackeral were accompnaied by some steamed brocolli and a handfull of home made chips.

I am full to the gills and ready for the bed.

You wouldn’t be so big if you cut out the carbs so late at night, big boy.

Thank you.

Are you for real?


Very much so.

i pop my head in there for a look the other day, looks class