
You’d think France would put a bit of culture on you. You’re as ignorant as the day is long.

You sick bastard

Always have ours early, prefer it that way you can relax after it, I gorged myself and had a 2 hour nap, nearly time for the turkey & stuffing sandwich now nom nom nom

That’s a good idea to get it out of the way early and then you can eat a few evening sandwiches. We finished ours about a half an hour ago and it was as good a Christmas dinner as i can remember…

You and your “civilised world” sound pretty disfunctional.

Had ours around 4. Twas alright, Turkey and Ham is a bland dinner at the best if time anyway.

Fuck all on the tele. Will nearly tip off to bed around the 10pm mark to be well rested for tomorrow

You going to the racing, old stock?

Not tomorrow, have a group outing planned for later in the week

Happy Christmas TC

Went to the parents house. Unreal dinner…

One of our own turkeys, the ham came from the inlaws farm. Sprouts gently boiled, roasted potatoes in goose fat, potato stuffing, bread stuffing, roasted veg all washed down with a dry white wine.

The mothers sherry trifle to round it off.

Plenty shots of port since.

How did you fare out across the mountain?

Ah yes. :clap:

How did you fare out Dunph?

Chanced a cold sandwich there. Twas tasty but fcuk all room for it… still stuffed.

Fared out very well, i remarked earlier that it was probably the best Xmas dinner i ever had. Think i’ll chance a sandwich now that you mention it…

Bizarre, utterly bizarre comments from ChocolateMice and TwoRunnyEggs on this thread today. Christmas dinner the day before Christmas! Christmas dinner at 8’o fucking clock! Bizarre. :o

We ate at 3.30pm and were at the table until after 5pm. I then went for a nap for a couple of hours before we gathered around for some drinks and a sing song. I regaled my family and our guests with a passionate rendition of Boolavogue to begin with and further impressed with Something Inside So Strong later on before rounding off proceedings with Slaney Valley in a classic duet with my mother.

I’m drinking tea and eating a ham sandwich with mustard now.

“For the cause that called you may call tomorrow…
In another fight for the green again!”

Wonderful scenes :clap:

You’re a MIGHTY man Bandage just MIGHTY.
I wonder are TRE and Chocolate mice protestant Bandage this may explain the bizarre eating habits??

Lads are I one of the few here that likes sprouts??

I thought everyone liked sprouts, they’re amazing. Hoping to have Stephens Day dinner in the next half an hour to set me up for the evening…

Cadbury’s Roses just aren’t the same these days, both in the wrapping and in the actual chocolates. Another example of the powers that be not being able to leave well alone. Kraft cunts.

Spot on, not a patch on what they were, I have a tin here and wish to fuck they were finished. Once the coffee one disappeared years ago, that ruined them for me.

Capitalist American bastards Sid. They should have left the Quakers alone.

I’m only half Protestant.

The issue would be more that my family don’t follow the peasant traditions of this country and the catholic church. Instead we celebrate as the rest of enlightened Europe does on crimbo eve, as is the real Christmas tradition.