
I was a regular in Clem Smiths you ape. Someone asked me one day if you are what is the barmans name, i had been logged off for about two hours and didn’t respond until i got in that evening but of course that was taken as proof that i didn’t know. That i couldn’t answer a question immediately after it is asked, i am not online here all the time. :rolleyes:

Joe still doesnt have a clue who you are and maintains no one from Tour ever drank in there. You bullshitting cunt.

What about the other two instances when you were found spoofing

Ma Ryans? Dunph doesnt even know where Southhill is let alone where to find the pub in there.

Think i mentioned i may have been a regular in the other two bars as well but that was just a bit of craic and everyone knew i was horsing around.

I know where the North Star is and Southill.

Show us your knickers so!


New York Reuben in the Pig & Heifer. A serious sambo. Fuck me, I’m still stuffed. It was absolutely delicious. Expensive, I suppose but the ingredients and bread was quality.

I paid the princely sum of €8.50 for a BLT in a half baked baguette in The Lombard on Pearse St. I’m positively seething. No chips or drink with it either for that price. It was pretty horrible too - wet lettuce, dry bacon and smothered in cheap mayo. Must be one of the dearest places for a BLT in Dublin. I shall never darken its doors again.

I just ate a jam doughnut, i’m suicidal after it. I think i might be bulexic…

Grow a pair of balls will you. :rolleyes:

That’s rich coming from the man that can still squeeze into his communion jocks!

Horsing around, ffs :lol:

Can we get back on topic now please…

Have a lovely big lamb steak in the oven there with loads of onions. Just had a cut of it and it is done and tastes perfect. Spuds done too, just waiting for the veg now which is nearly there…

Were they Y-fronts?

You must have some life to be having lamb in the oven at this time on a Friday afternoon my man.

Today is my day off, i have to work weekends quite often. I work hard and entitled to my time off thank you very much.

I’m going to assume “ban this clown” is a euyphamism for can we be friends. I knew when I read some of your posts that we’d get on famously, your smart and witty responses give me a warm and squishy feeling

I wouldn’t begrudge it to you mate. Enjoy-the veg should be done by now.