
It’s what you do in your time off has us worried, mate.

I reckon tonight I’ll make up a big pot of lamb curry. I won’t be taking any shortcuts of using jars or any of that shite. It’ll be onions, garlic, chillies, tomatoes, tumeric, corriander, garam masala, cumin and ginger.

I’ll wash it down with a nice couple of bottles of microbrewery ale - whatever label catches my eye.

Dunph, if i must say you really handle these digs at your routine with grace and dignity.
Noone else on ths forum has his personal life questioned and debated as much as you do

Thanks mate.

The thread went way off topic, all the Dunph did was had his breakfast in his briefs for fucks sake.

Back to the grub talk please ye cunts!

Bought some chicken fillets earlier, one of them old el paso fajita kits, peppers and onions. Going cooking up some raw chicken tomorrow for the first time in my life, it is a fear that i have that i will poison myself with them so have never done it until now. Pray for me. Them fajitas are nice though so i think it is worth the effort. Will make enough for Sunday as well, presume these things can be heated up the day after? I suppose you could eat them cold too mind…

Size 28 jocks…yeah right Dunph. You’d lost weight last time I saw you in Shelbourne, but you haven’t lost that much fucking weight.


They are size 28 but they have a flexible band around the waist. As i said i have them since i was about 17 and even then they were too small. They are going out with the rubbish now, all the trouble they’ve caused.

What about the memories :lol:

Stuff after eating loads of chicken fajitas, i cooked a load and have three left for the lunch tomorrow which i will have cold. They are very tasty. :licklips:

Home made or the cheap packet stuff from Tesco?

Old el paso kit, i’m too busy to be standing in a kitchen making sauces and the like.

Can’t wait to have a big bowl of Jordans Country Crisp in the morning, tempted to go downstairs and have one now even as i’ll be awake thinking about it.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

hope you had a good sleep mate, enjoy when you wake up


Just had some lovely scrambled eggs whisked with home made pesto - some proper ham and mushrooms fried up and some soda bread with goats cheese. Having a nice cup of coffee after.

pretty impressive stuff

pesto makes anything taste better

Pesto is fantastic - I have a great recipe that I’ll post up during the week. Simple to make.