
[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 294537”]

Pesto is fantastic - I have a great recipe that I’ll post up during the week. Simple to make.[/quote]

Please post it mate. Spending a fortune on jars of La Scala pesto and need a diy alternative.

Just devoured a breakfast of smoked salmon, poached eggs and coffee.

I’ll stick it up monday night when I return to the capital of the Midwest.

Not a fan of pesto.

Isn’t that stuff about 90% sugar???


It’s 90% oats and strawberries and the rest is made up of good additives or wheat…

Pretty much! dreadful stuff. How these cereals can be passed off as healthy is a joke.

cheers mate

have basil growing out the back so can use that

Big massive fucking chicken in the oven-hurry up and cook ya fucker.

Hmm, conflicting reports here…

Right Doc, just checked the back of the box.

Per 45g (presumably is a bowl) it has the following % of your daily recommended intake:

12% sugar
11% fat
11% saturates
10% wheat
10% calories
1% salt

Fuck sake man-you may as well be eating a bag of sausage rolls.

This is a fella who boasts about oven chips, I wouldn’t get too excited.

Can someone other than this clown confirm if this stuff is bad for you?

Show me where i boasted about oven chips? There is a big difference between boasting about them and saying they are fine to eat.

No there’s not.

A quick google suggests the RDA of sugar for a man is 120g, meaning your getting 14.4grams of sugar from that bowl. Or about 30% of the entire bowl :lol:

Maybe it’s the good type of sugar :licklips:

From observing Dunph’s eating habits on this thread, I would say the last thing the man needs for his breakfast is a big bowl of sugary treats.

fuck off back to your slurry pit you fucktard

Hey mate why did you change your name? Can you do that and still keep your number of posts?