

That is fine, dunph. Don’t mind some of the soft cocks posting on here. They are only recommendations and should be treated as such

Will you ever get over your obsession with oven chips

Fuck off Fran.

Hope the child is well and good by the way.

mrs turfcutter is at home today and whipped me up some pancakes and maple syrup for lunch

Awesome. Can’t beat maple syrup. And some coffee to go with it, one of my favourite food and drink combinations.

Where did you go for the lunch in Dublin yesterday or did you bring the lunchbox?

Crab cakes followed by Pork Belly and mash with some spring onion. Finished off with a bit of fruit crumble

Have some lovely chicken fajitas left over from yesterday when i cooked loads, looking forward to them later. Think i will eat them around 16.30.

Went to the local Italian there at lunchtime… Beautiful big bowl of pasta in a tomato pesto sauce with chicken. I cant keep my eyes open here now as my body tries to digest the meal.

Some coffee needed and a few squares of Green and Blacks 85% Cocoa.

sound like an allergy there mate, not sure if that is the digestion process or a reaction to the wheat.
do u have sinus issues by any chance?

or if the sauce is shit from a jar, its a reaction to the MSG ( E621) that is yeast based and you have an allergy to yeast more than likely

Really? Not just that a massive feed of carbs makes you sleepy?

yeah, definitly
MSG / yeast allergy is a cunt of a thing, too much yeast can build up in your system over time and can drive the body crazy, if usually manifests itself in sinus problems, sore throat, tiredness, excema and a general feeling of malaise

MSG is horrible cunting shite, all procesed food is fuil of it, its used as a flavor enhancer and that utter disgusting shite that is sold in chineese takeways in loaded with the stuff…

Any peasant that orders Chinese food deserves to be poisoned.

agreed, disgusting shit
imagine getting your food prepared by a slitty eyed fook.
sweet and sour, fried duck, egg fried rice all mixed together in a plastic box resembling warmed up vomit… horrible muck

Italian food is the king of foods.It has no rival.I gave up that Chinese shit years ago. Its fairly straightforward to perfect a few recipes as well.Cooked a fine risotto last night and had leftovers for lunch today.

What I cant understand about chinese takeaways is the attraction of these 5 in 1’s or 4 in 1’s.Everything slapped in together like you’d give to a dog.

Yeah i’ve gone right off chinese food myself in recent years, it is shit and very, very bland. Indian food is where it’s at.

Chips and rice and spuds and chicken balls in a box covered in curry sauce-fucking peasants.

Chicken balls, curry sauce and chips is the funniest and fellas think this is Chinese food. Pure shite.