
Probably right about good italian food. However a lot of places think serving up a heaping bowl of pasta or a pizza with a scrape of toppings constitutes Italian. A big plate of bread or a big bowl of essentially bread is not a meal. Probably costs about 50c to make and they’ll charge for it then as if it were a full dinner.

even worse is these all you can eat chineese buffets that are popping up all over the place
deep fried offal passed off as sweet and sour duck or chicken with a glossy shine sitting under a hot lamp for days with all sorts of fucks coughing over it and pawing at it.
This stuff is loaded with the MSG ( monosodiumglutamate) that i referred to above, it will enhance the flavour of anything and is horrible stuff

There are about 4 good Italian restaurants in Ireland. I do better sauces than most restaurants although I am a dab hand in the kitchen to be fair.

ah shove your sauce up your mangey hole ya prick

Mickee slams sauce in TFK outburst.

Great stuff lads… I go down to the cousins every few weeks and they order regularly form the local Chinese… Pure muldoons thinking they are being risky by having chicken meat balls with rice! You ridiculous cunts.

Great observation Mickee. I have a strong wheat intolerance, bread fcuking kills me, durum wheat (pasta) isn’t as toxic for me but still kills my energy.

After MSG, gluten is the next most toxic food that you can put past your mouths.

Read up on the cross breeding that went on with wheat in the 60’s and 70’s and you’ll see what I mean. The body literally cant handle the artificial wheat that’s cheaply available for all food producers.

Well sauce wouldn’t work well in Israel mick seen as most eating is done with hands over there.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 294583”]

What sort of wheat products should we be avoiding so?

Just back from a beautiful late afternoon Chinese. Had a smashing 3 in 1 - chips, egg fried rice and curry sauce - and a portion of chicken balls too. It was superb - lovely combination of flavours.

All that MSG and carbs probably wouldn’t be great for your weight issues mate.

superb :clap: you really can’t beat a chicken curry, chips and fried rice

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 294583”]poor diddums getting sleepy and a pain in his tummy after a bit of pasta ffs, what kind of soft cunts are they breeding these days

You go and bench press your mother, you ignoramus.

Italian is great food, hard to beat good Mexican food also.

Love Mexican. Had prawn fajitas last night with homemade salsa and guacamole. Great feed.

I’m going to order Chinese food from the Emerald Court in Ranelagh in a few minutes after reading the last couple of pages.

Hard to beat a nice chicken satay, with fried rice, chips, a portion of curry sauce and a few spring rolls when you have a hangover

A few cuts of bread for dipping as well followed by giving the missus a few slaps.

Just opened a large bag of bacon fries after having a beef and cheese toasted sandwich.

Disappointed to see you aren’t sick to your stomach after TFK’s astro defeat tonight