
Cooked a big stew today-tore into a massive bowl of it and have some left over for tomorrow. Received a standing ovation from the table. Apple and blueberry tart in the oven now with some strawberry ripple ice-cream defrosting on the counter. No fear as I wasn’t on the piss last night-a wonderful evening all in all.

Cooked paella for the first time today, not a bad effort. Few tweaks to make for my next attempt.

About to tuck into roast pork with roast potatoes and apple, a roasted fennel bulb, broccoli and a nice drop of gravy.

Got two Irish rib eye steaks from lidl, they came in a cardboard package. I actually cut them with the side of my fork. They were amazing.

It’s hard to beat good rib eye. I always opt for that if a choice of steaks is available on the menu.

Lidl tinned mackerel on mayonnaise covered wholemeal toast is a tasty and quick snack. I’d gladly do another couple of rounds of it if I had anything left.

Not in France anymore lads but cheers for the advice anyway…

That was just lovely. The apples were in with the pork and when the skins burst apple juice rushed into the pan forming a lovely liquid which further tenderized the pork.

Is the meat from lidl good mate? I’ve only ever gone in there for cleaning products and whatnot.

This stuff was amazing, if you come across it buy it.

The meat is topclass Horsebox. :clap:

having a roast beef sandwich with lashings of mustard

Bedtime snack of smoked salmon with capers on a few oat cakes.

Had a monster of a meal in the pier head in Kinvara today. The steak fillet done medium rare was as nice as anything ive ever tasted.

Nice. :clap: :clap:

Oh that’s very good. Lovely snack.

Always thought it would be intervention beef in there, I might have to check it out. Is it of Irish origin?

I would be a big sceptic in regards to Aldi / Lidl but I have to say the steak in there can be very good and it is indeed Irish.

Yep this stuff was wrapped up in plastic and came in a cardboard box with Irish hereford beef writ large across it. I dunno is it there the whole time but recommend it if you come across it.

I doubt it was Irish though

That sounds fantastic Fagan. :licklips: