
[quote=“SHANNONSIDER, post: 294672”]

I remember when those hot beef rolls were £2.50…they went to hell altogether during the Celtic Tiger, went up a euro every six months. They are lovely, I’d nearly put on a roast tomorrow just to have the makings of one.
[/quote]Avoid them in Leopardstown, the quality of the beef is atrocious, imported shite from Brazil pumped full of steroids

Refilling my waterbottle here at work when I noticed in the vending machine that there was a pack of winegums just about hanging onto the coil. So i threw in my 60p expecting to get two packets of winegums for the prices of one.

What happened next was beyond my wildest dreams.

Not one

Not two

But three packets of winegums dropped down into the catchement area. Three packest of Maynards Winegums for 60p :clap: I am floating on air right now :licklips: :slight_smile:

Think that would be better off in the Things That Are Right thread Puke mate?


Delighted for you mate

:lol: :clap:

It’s the Feelgood Story of the Decade. I’m going to buy a pack later on the back of this.

After some dinner there. Fit to fucking burst

Had a lovely think cut of Sirloin - rare. Accompanied by peas and Bacon and Leek Colcannon that a work colleague gave me.

Some fucking job :licklips: :wub: :slight_smile:

:smiley: :clap:

Just made myself up a couple of smashing Cumberland Sausage wraps. Roasted the sausages in the oven with plenty of onion and a bit of basil and garlic seasoning. Chopped the sausages up and mixed them up with the onions and a bit of reggae reggae sauce and then put the contents in two warm wraps and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese. Top fucking notch :clap:

Just can’t warm to reggae reggae sauce unfortunately - too sweet or something. Had some homemade lasagne and oven chips (I know I know) after training and it really hit the spot as it was quite meaty and a greatc heese topping. Herself made up a toblerone cheesecake there which will be used in the charity bake off in work tomorrow. €100 voucher up for grabs so have spent last 5 minutes learning recipe for nosey cunts.

Cake is very very rich and doesn’t have the gelatine consistency of normal cheesecake but hits the spot.

Just after a massive plate of my special trademark pasta dish. I’d cook it every 10 days or so i suppose, i get three days out of it. Covered the meal in grated cheese as well before i devoured it. :licklips:

Just ordered a Chinese-chicken balls, fried rice, chips and curry sauce. I asked him to vomit on top of it as well.

Had a fry about 2hrs ago and I’m still stuffed. 2 sausages, 2 rashers, 4 chunks of black and 4 white pudding, 2 potato waffles, beans, mushrooms and 3 big cuts of tiger loaf bread.

Impressive stuff :clap:

That’s the job. :clap:

Just had a big feed of chicken wings smothered in Frank RedHot. Really hit the spot.

Can you go into more detail on this dish here mate.


1 bag of pasta - wholemeal.
1 large jar of Lloyd Grossman tomatoe and basil sauce
1 packet each of sliced chorizo, salami and pepperoni
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 green pepper
1 big brown onion
2 small red onions

First bring a big pot of water to the boil. Cut all the meat up into small pieces and start separating and throwing into the pre-heated pan on a low heat. This takes a while (maybe 15mins) as the meat will be very stuck together and i like to separate each piece. Once all the meat is in the pan i find the water will be boiled and put the pasta in then. Chop up the three peppers. Before i put them in the pan i like to pour out the bit of excess oil that the meat creates. You can turn the heat in the pan up a bit more at this point. Chop up the brown onion now. All the while you are going back to the pan the odd time and giving it a stir. Fire the brown onion in and start chopping the red onions. Your eyes will be watering at this stage but soldier on. I like to put the red onions in very late in the day as like there to be a bit of a crunch off them. The pasta will be done at this stage. Drain and cover. Put red onions in pan, soon to be followed by the jar of sauce. It is crucial to put in salt, pepper, basil, parsley and oregano for seasoning soon after adding the sauce. Mix it all up well and let simmer away for about 10-15mins stirring a fair bit until most of the sauce has reduced. Your done now and what i do next is pour all the contents of the pan into the big pot and mix it all up well with the pasta. Leave stand with the cover on for a minimum of 10mins if you can. Serve with grated cheese on top and enjoy. Three days worth of deliciousness with it.


My ladyfriend made a chicken and mushroom pie served with courgette fried in a garlic, white wine and butter sauce and asparagus and carrots. Washed down with some German beer called Fruh or something like that. I’m getting the feeling I might just marry her and ta fuck with the rest of it.