
I was thinking about ordering some Indian later but don’t really know much about it. I would like a fairly spicy dish but not a curry, any suggestions on this? Also is there any noodle options or is it all rice?

I grew three tomato plants this year and with the onset of winter I have been left with around 200 unripened, green tomatoes

Over the last few days I have been making fried green tomatoes. Get three bowls. Bowl 1 is flour. Bowl 2 is a beaten egg mixture with a small bit of milk added. Bowl 3 is a 50/50 mixture of breadcrumbs and cornflour, with added pepper and optional cayenne pepper powder and/or curry powder. Cut the green tomatoes into thin slices. Dip in the flour, then the egg mixture, then the breadcrumbs/cornflour mixture in this order. Fry for about 6/7 minutes each side and voila. These are particularly good with Tabasco sauce and a bit of salt, also a perfect companion to a chilled can of beer.

Have you a menu? Call out something you like the look of and i’ll say yay or nay. I’m an expert on Indian food so your luck is in.

Give me a min so…

I’ll more than likely order from this…

Onion bhaji, medium Chicken Karahi, pilau rice, naan bread. You’ll be fine and sated and you’ll probably have enough left over for lunch tomorrow.

Delivery is a fiver? Fucking hell.

I’d wager there will be no leftovers to be honest, starved.

Tis rich, filling food. I usually order 2 rices. Costs about €20 but there’s enough then for two dinners so it’s good value. Throw the leftovers into the tray and it’s almost even nicer the next day with half a naan.

Fuck it I’ll chance it so.

I would only get the king prawn or chicken though prefer the prawn myself. Dupiaza flavour is nice if it’s there if not Jalfrezi or Balti are good. Get pilau rice it’s nice and would recommend a naan bread.


Yikes, have they to cycle up a mountain or something with the delivery…

Had an indian myself last night, couple if pompadoms , lamb samosa, chicken biryani and garlic naan. Lovely but well over 2000 calories.

I went with a different crowd and got this…
1 x no. 15 Chicken Karahi

1 x no. 50 Plain Naan https://www.just-eat.ie/images/products/veg.gif

1 x no. 8 Vegetable Bhajiyas https://www.just-eat.ie/images/products/veg.gif

1 x no. 48 Pilau Rice https://www.just-eat.ie/images/products/veg.gif


  • delivery



The naan would have a load of calories i suppose. Just had a homemade ‘indian’ and wouldn’t say it was that unhealthy. King prawn in jalfrezi sauce with fried mushrooms and boiled rice. Sure how would that be too bad, the sauce worst i suppose…

Fucking hell that is big money, the same thing delivered to me here would be at worse 2/3rds the price of that. I reckon €12 delivered.

Is jalfrezi sauce spicy, anything like szechaun?

Pure rip off sure, that’s Galway for you.

I think it’s an Ireland thing. You have a strong feeling you are getting ripped off when you live in the country but it is only when you move away that you realise the scale of it.

Jalfrezzi wouldn’t be spicy, no. But there might be different levels of strength you can get it in, not sure. The one i had this evening said mild on the jar from what i remember. I had a chicken balti at a staff do a few months ago which was described as ‘fairly hot’ on the menu. It blew my socks off.