

What a fucking disaster, the cunt got lost three times and then arrives with the wrong order with the one thing I despise, chicken Tikka. The Naan bread wasn’t the basic one and had a horrible sauce in the middle of it. Rang him and rang him and he wouldn’t answer so I ate most of the Tikka anyway as I was starved. There was about 20 euro worth of appetizer yokes I loved though (not a clue what some of them were at all) so I scoffed all of them. Had most of them ate when he arrives back looking for his order. Too late now sonny I’m afraid you clown. Some poor cunt after getting my 20 euro order and I after getting one worth about 40. The hole will be blown off me within an hour I’d imagine.


Good stuff.

Just after a warm bramley apple pie there with rasberry ice-cream. Twas glorious.

Just had two crusty rolls there with mayo, cheese, tomatoes and a left over Superquinn Greek style chicken breast chopped up. This after a phonebook size slab of shepherd’s pie with beans about 4 bells. :licklips:


Roast beef sandwiche with horseradish sauce, had roast beef for the dinner today with turnips, peas and mash

Here dunph what the fuck has been going on here in my absence but for I’m busy I’d nearly challenge your moderation of this noble thread

What are you on about? We had fellas talking about frys this morning including myself, then discussion about Indians and bramble apple pies this evening, i even threw an eye roll smiley at a sad post. All is well here.

Threw together a very simple prawn stirfry around 6.
Home alone for the weekend and fuckall in the fridge so just collected a Classic and a Smokestack burger from Eddie rockets. Didn’t bother with chips or anything.

The classic is a fucking dinger of a burger and the smokestack isent bad either.

If I was bandage i would be monitoring events here closely

Roast leg of lamb, mint sauce, gravy, roast potato, mashed turnip, steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Beautiful Sunday roast.

Thats fabulous, were there leftovers mate?

No we ate every scrap.

Never was a fan of mint sauce. Ruins the lamb of you ask me.

Didn’t ask you. But thanks anyway.

Very nice. :clap:

Must get an Eddie Rockets next time i am home. The chips are brilliant as well to be fair. I can’t remember when i last visited one of their establishments, maybe 18months ago. And myself and 2RE used to go into the one out by the Coonagh Roundabout nearly every week when we were supposed to be studying…


Ya mad bastard. :lol:

Not really. I would only order a classic burger, chips and onion rings.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

at last someone not having takeaway or cupasoup

I find the opposite but each to their own.

Had a tasty duck noodle from Hot Wok on North Earl St for lunch. 6 lids and recommended to me by our Sri Lankan IT guy who loves his grub.