
Made a beef and Guinness casserole there on Saturday with spuds, carrots, parsnips and loads of home reared beef from the in laws. Seasoned with onion, thyme, Worcester sauce. Got about 6 large servings out of it. Longer you cook it th better it is, and the leftovers are even better. Fucking lovely.

That casserole would’ve been better if you’d used Beamish instead of Guinness. Not sure that’s been mentioned on here before.

That’s definitely a point worth making Thraw.

Have to say that properly mashed turnip with lashings of freshly ground black pepper is a much underrated vegetable. Hard to believe that rural people waste this fine resource by feeding it to cattle.

That doesn’t happen in Kinvara, we’d regularly have turnips with the dinner. My baby daughter has a particular liking for them.

[quote name=‘Kinvara’s Passion’ timestamp=‘1352148791’ post=‘698180’]

That doesn’t happen in Kinvara, we’d regularly have turnips with the dinner. My baby daughter has a particular liking for them.[/quote]

Turnips are lovely. Regularly have turnips, carrots and parsnips mashed together with butter and black pepper.
Parsnips have been fantastic so far this year.

Roasted parsnips are fucking lovely. A truly wonderful vegetable. Turnips too. All the root vegetables in fact.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 294779”]

That casserole would’ve been better if you’d used Beamish instead of Guinness. Not sure that’s been mentioned on here before.[/quote]

Did you ever try it with murphys thraw?

Turnips are lovely mashed with a bit of butter, cinnamon and honey.

Never. Might be something to investigate, but I can’t imagine anything topping Beamish. Possibly one of those fancy, expensive micro-brewery stouts. Though, I would argue that they are better served being poured down one’s throat.

The Turnip is a noble vegetable, easy to grow and beautiful mashed with butter and black pepper as Fagan pointed out. The Turnip is highly considered in fine French dining.

My own particular favourite is carrots and parsnips mashed together. My Dad used to do it perfectly.

Late lunch there consisting of a BLT, a mug of tay and a bag of cheese and onion hinky dory

Bag of chipsticks. A fucking fantastic crisp.

2 homemade burgers for lunch, a bit of spicy relish and salt and pepper into the mince. made them really flat and about the size of a slice of bread.
had each one between 2 slices of a brown nutty loaf that looks like it came from superquinn, some cheddar, a red onion and a bit of relish.
with tea.

Had a burrito there from Burritos and Blues,Sourh Anne Street. Filled with black beans, rice, pork, hot sauce, tomato salsa, onions, sour cream and cheese. I thought it was very tasty.

A noble burrito establishment.

:lol: bloody hell

They piss all over Snax

You’ve got to go to Tolteca on Baggot Street (beside Searsons). They piss all over that place

Wasn’t impressed with that place. After about two bites the thing is a soggy mess, with various sauces dripping down your hands and you realising you didn’t prepare enough napkins to deal with same.

I actually find the same thing with most of these places.