
nah they do a couple of joints of meat in the sandwich bars. not sure if its in every M & S though.

It’s terrible stuff altogether. I’m over to Germany fairly regularly with work and I’ve only ever found one restaurant where I truely enjoyed the food.

The coffee is generally muck over there too

Was in muenster for a week during the year and got absolutely fantastic grub, lots of big hearty pork dishes with onions and gravy and such, schnitzel was lovely two. Washed down with a massive tanker of whatever local beer the bar or restaurant recommended and it was excellent.

serious question…do you eat out of a trough ??..judging by what you put down the hatch in one sitting i´d say you´re an awful pig of a man… :strokechin:

Yes, the coffee was muck.

Maybe you should try eating some good food yourself some time instead of being a relentless bore of a man.

Nosebag I believe.

Pizza for breakfast, oven chips and toasted sandwiches. :lol: Ol’ michelin star Dunph as he’s known down west.

How long more are the admins going to allow this cyber-bullying of the Dunph to continue. :shakefist:

get the fuck you inbred hick

dunph is top dog around here so fuck off and die with your bullshit

No need for name calling mate-only a bit of fun with the big man. The terror alert in Oz has you highly strung I suspect.

Having a bowl of museli that i soaked overnight in apple juice here, mate. :slight_smile:

class personified


What do you think of this dinner i just had?

Rooster spuds (steamed), three cumberland sausages fried, two big pieces of black pudding fried, mushrooms fried, broccoli (boiled).

Where did you get the Cumberland sausages?


Have a chicken biryani in the oven at the moment. Feckin starved.


Where do you get yours? I wasn’t arsed going to a butchers as i haven’t left the house today. Did some grocery shopping at 1am last night as didn’t want to leave the house today or run into large groups of the general public.