
It doesn’t come in a jar.

Totti, how did your processed and crap filled, produced in an English industrial estate, faux Italian dinner come packaged?


I have decided that I am going to make up a crumble this evening. Have a fierce hankering for one.

An autumn crumble?

Oh how I miss the autumn crumble in Ballycasey Craft and Design Centre in beautiful Shannon, Co Clare.

Apple, blackberry, raspberry, rhubarb or something.


What are you putting in your crumble Puke?

Apples will be the main constituent but I will be adding some form of berries and possibly some apricot if I can get some down the shop this evening.

I will be having Birds custard to accompany it as well

[quote=“Bandage, post: 294962”]

An autumn crumble?

Oh how I miss the autumn crumble in Ballycasey Craft and Design Centre in beautiful Shannon, Co Clare.

Apple, blackberry, raspberry, rhubarb or something.

What are you putting in your crumble Puke?[/quote]
They do a mean pavlova


Top class posting here.

I have a serious crumble horn on me here just thinking about ithttp://www.mydisplayimage.com/aim/premium/anim_wanking.gif

This will be epic

Will you take a picture of it and post it up here?** the crumble, not the horn.

Just for you, pal


Incorrect there HB. Birds custard over tart or crumble is beautiful.

A very simply but delicious dessert is simply buying a packet of fig roles and breaking them up a bit and then placing them in a dish along with some custard and baking in the oven for 15 or so.

The colour, consistency and smell of Bird’s custard makes me physically ill mate-would you not prefer some ice-cream on top of a warm crumble? The contrast is delightful.

Nope, custard for me! :licklips:

Also, icecream on top of crumble can make it go soggy.

Fig rolls are fucking vile things.

The bacon and cabbage is on the stove

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 294974”]

Fig rolls are fucking vile things.[/quote]

+1 That sounds fuckin rotten!

I made what is mainly an apple crumb with some apricot, pear, raspberries and blackberries added to it. Currently baking in the oven, needs another 25 minutes or so. Currently eating a couple of toasted ham, cheese and onion toasties