
Dont recall Ginos texture all that well at this stage. If you were really stuck for a frozen pizza, then Chicago Town is your only man. Dr Oetker is a horrible piece of shit.

What the fuck is that lad on about blue?

Chicago Town is disgusting-big huge doughy crusts. Chicago Town is for shit kickers-Dr. Oekter is for more urbane types like myself.



[quote=“Horsebox, post: 295060”]

Chicago Town is disgusting-big huge doughy crusts. Chicago Town is for shit kickers-Dr. Oekter is for more urbane types like myself.[/quote]
Urbane :lol:

You’ve settled in well from a dreadful open tbf. Urbane :smiley:

Thanks mate-I still have a sneaking suspicion that Flano doesn’t like me but apart from that, I feel a lot more comfortable in my surroundings.

Excellent observation. They are absolute rank. Had a pizza again tonight and will be having another tomorrow evening. Was forcing down this evenings one towards the end so think i might need to mix things up again soon, and i bought tonights pizza from a pizzaria - pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, onions, jalapenos.

I used to love pizza but I have gone off them completely. Haven’t had one in years.

Thin base is essential.

What’s your record for number of nights in a row eating pizza?

This current spell would have to be it…

You need the owl jalapenos on a pizza.

You seem to go through your phases alright, Dunph. It was balti or Korma not so long ago, then some cereal and now pizza. Do you eat one thing until you are sick of it and never really return to it again? Or do you loop back around?

Yeah i’d eat stuff non stop until i get sick of it. I have little variation in my diet. For example i ate Danone yoghurts nearly every day for about six months and now cannot even look at them, the sight of them repulse me. I was eating tuna sandwiches non stop for a while as well, haven’t made them in months. I would eat pasta every day for lunch and dinner for 3-4 days and then repeat process about three weeks later. Eat the same breakfast every single morning until i go sick of it, loving museli currently.

Lasagne, bruschetta, baked potato, salad. Fit to burst now.

First beetroot of the season from the garden last night roasted with some baby carrots from same garden with a small roast beef and jacket potatoes. Lashings of gravy and a glass of decent shiraz to wash it down. The beetroot were excellent.

last night a feed of mashed spuds , gravy , t bone steak (Medium- rare) bit of onion , followed by apple tart and cream. Jes u couldnt bate the mother for a feed.Mug O Tae then to wash it down .

:lol: that’s not real is it…

and then a fiddle off your sister you vile hick cunt

I havent eaten in 20 hrs and not a bit hungry. You fat cunts are costing the state €1.64billion a year which is set to rise each year. Shame on the lot of you- I propose monthly weigh ins and like RyanAir charge for every kg you are over weight.

:clap: :clap: :clap: