
no we just had a SHIT SUNDAY

thats why I’m asking if its turnips your cooking

mini rolls are noble

[quote=“The Runt, post: 295117”]

A rack of lamb for dinner on Monday? You have it good[/quote]

TC spending the money from the wife’s inheritance already.

By the way TC or any other knowledgable party, why has the price of lamb risen so much?

first of all its just not lamb this time of year, its hogget and IMO nicer than lamb, but the reason you lamb is more expensive is demand in the UK and France as well as southern hemisphere lamb becoming more expensive due to fuel costs

[quote=“turfcutter, post: 295120”]

first of all its just not lamb this time of year, its hogget and IMO nicer than lamb, but the reason you lamb is more expensive is demand in the UK and France as well as southern hemisphere lamb becoming more expensive due to fuel costs[/quote]

Fair enough. Bought a few lamb chops last week and it was €13. Was a little taken aback but they were damn nice.

so called lamb chops are always nicer thsi time of year

turfcutter’s incorrect here. The price has rocketed largely due to the lack of New Zealand lamb on these shores compared to a couple of years ago.

I had New Zealand lamb for the first time of my life about six months ago and won’t be having it again. Irish beats it a thousand times over.

I don’t like lamb. I don’t like the smell of it nor the taste of it, Irish or otherwise.


+1. It’s horrible stuff.

I leave the accountanting and the strawberry picking to you and you leave the agricultural things to me


Can’t stand it

Jebus is bandage going to get the Dunph trademark rolly eyes next? All hell about to break loose here…

Leg of lamb for the Sunday dinner is good value in Superquinn at the minute. You can pick one up for about 15e.

Rack of lamb on a Monday is just turfcutterish.

Look pal, I’ve been keeping the Irish agricultural industry alive for the past 5 years via my lending with Rabobank.

I find mutton and hoggett much nicer than lamb, which I also love incidentally.

Dunph, how in the jaysus do spuds take an hour to cook?

I put them in whole in the steamer. Fine big spuds.

Dunph has a steamer. Apparently.


Mutton is impossible to buy in Ireland. You will not get it anywhere. Not even in the mankiest butcher on Moore St. It breaks my heart, that I can’t get it. I can still remember the taste of it from my youth.