

Are you sure it wasn’t bread you were eating?

Nope, just bready tasteless sausages. Again maybe I’ve been having the wrong Cumberland sausages. What does make them a cumberland sausage though?

The meat used is normally chopped as opposed to minced.

Think there is more to them than that, mate.

Yes there is but that it one of its main/key distinction from your normal sausage

I googled. Chewy has the right of it. Except the traditional ones are long sausages, generally in a long roulade.

Dinner will be roast loin of smoked ham, served with roasted vegetables (carrots, courgettes, cherry tomatoes, red peppers, red onion tossed in a balsamic viniegrette based drizzle of olive oil, rosemary, thyme and black pepper) and roast potatoes.

Dessert will be a fresh cream chocolate eclair accompanied by Lavazza coffee.

Had a couple of Jalapeno burgers I got out of Tesco earlier which I had in a couple of baps with salad and a bit of cheese ‘n’ onion mix.

Tasty enough

Would you fuck off with your burgers from tecos, prob out of a fucking freezer. Jesus Christ would you buy a pound of mince and flatten it out yourself even the shit dyed stuff from Tesco would be better than that shit and throw a few bits and pieces into it, what the fuck are you at the last time I noticed you here you were after making crumble so you are well able do it.

You haven’t much to be worrying about :rolleyes:

That sounds delightful mate. Roast vegetables are simply fantastic-I’ve been drizzling some honey over them the last couple of times along with other dressing and it’s pretty tasty.

These kids today, all they know is a TV dinner. Special Olympiakos is onto something in the unpopular political opinions thread I reckon.

You’re right, honey has been recommended to me but I’ve never tried it. I tend to make a fair dish of it and then simply reheat what’s left of this delightful mix the following day.

Absolutely-I always throw on a fairly hefty tray of it and then use the leftovers for the next couple of nights in pasta or stir-fry dishes. Mushrooms, peppers, courgettes, carrots, red onion and cherry tomatoes with mixed herbs and black pepper drizzled with olive oil and honey roasted for about an hour-fuck I’m getting hungry now.

Tell me more about these jalopeno burgers. I have recently discovered jalopenos and am a big fan.

Burgers from Tesco :lol:

Love this thread.

JUst after a second bowl of beef casserole

Maple syrup and olive oil drizzled over roasted carrots and parsnips :licklips:

Had a lovely trip to gaucho argentinian steak house yesterday for lunch. Beef tamale starter, 500g spiral cut medium rare rib eye with creamed spinach and sweet potato and chorizo chips finished with a wonderful selection of cheeses. I managed to lash down two bottles of red to wash it all down. At 190 pounds a head it was great value. I highly recommend a visit for any of our uk based posters.

Boo!. Imperial measurements are the only measurements to use when talking about steak. Fuckin Argies.