
You gonna Marinate it hick boy?

Think he will have it ate by now. :rolleyes:

I haven’t eaten since 4pm yesterday and I’m not a bit hungry. Have a staff dinner later, think I’ll hold on until then. This needing food every few hours is certainly a mental thing I’ve learned. The more you eat the hungrier you feel… All fatties on here, two meals a day is all you need.

Last nights dinner was roasted duck legs, disced spuds, seasoned with thyme, and which absorbed the duck fat served with red cabbage, followed by an M&S mince pie with cream and washed down with a couple of glasses of Pinot Noir. Was pretty fucking nice, I must say and kicked off the 10 Days of Gluttony in fine style.

Had a tex mex takeaway from El Paso in Howth tonight. Buffalo chicken wings followed by a beef burrito.

Tremendous stuff.

Why would you ruin a perfectly nice fillet steak with a marinade? He’s already treated it with respect by applying olive oil etc. Marinades are for people who can’t cook a decent steak properly.

I have a glass of shiraz / cab sav with most dinners, but I’ve never had a Pinot. How would you compare it to a shiraz Thraw?

The best way to compare wines is to drink them.

Ooh aah ooh aah

For a horrible, little, uncouth, uncultured american, thats not a bad idea.

Pinot noir would require a subtlety of taste that would be lost to the average Australian so I’d stick to the Shiraz if I were you Fitzy.

I could bluff here, Fitzy, but I’m not going to, even though I’ve drank probably a thousand bottles of wine or more. It was nice, is all I’ll say. If you want to know about the Greene King (ex-Ipswich sponsors) Abbot Ale I had afterwards, well now that I could wax lyrical about,

Toasted brown bread, topped with avocado, fried onions and potatoes, jalapeño and chilli eggs, rasher and sausage, salsa, cheese, and a small steak.

exactly, Shiraz would be much more gluggable

jesus here you go again, heaping fine ingredient after fine ingredient on top of each other just for the sake of it. a cunt like you shouldnt be let near good food. to eat all that as one dish shows you are a complete bolox. to turn all that into what is one fucking sandwich makes you a cunt. you couldnt have tasted most of it let alone appreciate it. there are two fine dishes hidden in there, 3 if you made a bit of fucking effort, meaning you could of had something nice tonight or tomorrow that you would have actually tasted but no you keep piling everything within your reach onto that slice of fucking bread. fuck you.

Ten lamb chops dipped in flour and fried for a few minutes to seal them. Removed then and two chopped onions sweated off before adding stock cube then carrots and parsnips before adding water and some herbs. Baby potatoes added after 15 mins and a drop of red wine. The chops added then after another 20 mins and left to simmer 30 mins.

I’m having stew for dinner.

The level of emotion put into that post is hilarious! You are an awful angry motherfucker! :smiley:

3 dishes? This is the ravenous thread, not the haute cuisine tasting board thread! I was hungry and hungover and that meal was fantastic!

For the record I would cook rings around you in the kitchen.

glasagusban please take note. This is the standard you should be aiming for. We don’t want to hear about you eating a pile of shit that sounds like the contents of the dogs bowl after the leftovers of a couple of different dinners were thrown into it


what ingredients there would make fine dishes?

sausages and spuds ffs


Just a quick thanks to the forum member who just dropped over a couple of homemade Thai curries with rice.