
You don’t get cream from a cow, Dunph. You’ve been pulling on the wrong tit.

Someday someone will have a Beef & Beamish Pie

What did you have for your mane course this evening Dunph mate?

Same thing again, pal. Tend to eat the same dinner twice in a row at least when i cook. I can’t believe i’ve been such a fool steaming or boiling spuds all my life up until yesterday, will be baking them wherever possible from now on.

Baked in foil is it mate?

I normally roast them myself, drop of olive oil and black pepper over them. Usually done in conjunction with roast vegetables…courgettes, red onions, peppers, garlic, cherry tomatoes tossed in an olive oil and black pepper-based solution. About the only time I actually enjoy eating vegetables.

That’s more or less what i did, gently applied olive oil and generous amount of salt and pepper all round and stuck in oven on baking tray for about an hour, no tin foil though. I’d usually boil vegetable, i’m very partial to the likes of brussell sprouts and broccoli, that’s what i had this evening.

Had a longing a while ago for a toasted sandwich but had no cheese so went out to the shop for a packet of grated cheese. While at the counter they were tempting me with these packets of cadburys cream eggs, of course i had to buy a pack. Ate them all then after the toasted sandwich and am fit to get sick here now.

Did a slow roasted rib of beef with carrots, mashed turnips, roast potatoes and a red wine jus this evening.

I was absolutely delighted with it to be honest. I have a brownie in the fridge that I just can’t get near yet

Roasted a shoulder of lamb yesterday. There is nothing as tasty when done correctly.

Cold lamb sandwiches for lunch today. :slight_smile:

Lovely sirloin steak this evening. I marinated it, which I do sometimes for a change, in garlic balsamic vinegar, Dijon, thyme, and bay leaf, an salt an pepper. 4 minutes on the griddle pan and it was perfect. Had sliced green beans, tomatoes, and sweet potato mash along with it. A noble feed.

just about to have a duck breast accompanied with some sweet potato gratin, Romanesco cauliflower & Cajun sauce

I’ve ordered a Texas BBQ Dominos with chicken strippers and a bottle of fanta. I haven’t ordered a pizza in months, I’m hoping it’ll cure this mother of all hangovers.

Roast sirloin of beef blazing away in the oven.

Had a lovely lasagne in mammy’s house today and she gave me half a chicken going away. This would make a nice dinner for myself tomorrow as the missus is away. However, there’s fuck all food in the house and I think I will definitely need to eat again before I go to bed. There’s a couple of bake yourself crusty rolls in the press. Would it be a waste of half of chicken to make up some rolls now? Should I just stroll up to the shop and get a snack?

Bacon chops, couple of homemade sausages, beans, garlic bread and some self-chipped chips. Bit top heavy with carbs but it is what it is.

Just after devouring two delicious custard-stuffed pastries from a Portuguese patisserie operating out of London. They were fucking unreal. Top left of this photo:

<img src=“http://theladybites.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Lisboa-Patisserie-counter-1024x1024.jpg” alt="Lisboa-Patisserie-counter-1024x1024.jpg]

Had some grilled lamb chops today with potatoes in their jackets and mashed turnip.

Fuck me but grilled lamb chops are the business.

That looks nice, Rocko.

Mashed turnips are the business farmer.

Any place you could get some decent freshly made shortbread in Dublin?