
:lol: :clap:

Hey g & b I’ve been eating a lot of Superquinn salad stuff for lunch for the last few months but I’ve put on a couple of pounds. Their Moroccan cous cous with a pepper mix and a small bit of coleslaw on top-would this be the cause of the extra poundage or is it just me noticing the Christmas extra baggage now?

Went vegan on the other nights mate.

If you’re going to go salad try make it up yourself. That moroccon cous cous would have an a awful lot of oil in it and coleslaw packs in a massive amount of mayo so you’re getting a huge amount of saturated fat in that -without any of the actual nutrition dense foods you should be eating in a salad.


Well said timo.

I went traditional tonight. Big sirloin steak, carrots, green beans, cabbage and spuds with a generous belt of pepper sauce and hot mustard. Dessert was an oldschool slab of vanilla between wafers followed by pineapple and then a couple of jaffa cakes. An uneven but highly satisfactory mix. Bursted now.

Thats a serious feed.

A class big feed of chilli just there, on brown rice with peas mixed in. I like how everyone has their own way of cooking this, think I’ve got it perfected to my taste, probably my favourite thing to cook. Immensely full now.

Chicken balti from local indian there. yummmmmm

When I hear lads talking about eating feeds of chilli I imagine a plate of chilli peppers. What exactly is a feed of chilli?

Generally includes mince, chillies, and kidney beans -then can be cooked in various ways.

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 295428”]When I hear lads talking about eating feeds of chilli I imagine a plate of chilli peppers. What exactly is a feed of chilli?
Generally includes mince, chillies, and kidney beans -then can be cooked in various ways.[/quote]

Did you ever add a bit of chorizo to the chilli glas? Gives it a nice flavour

Rib-eye steak with fondant potatoe and asparagus for me tonight

Always, it really makes the dish. I fry it off a little first and drain the oil off it -fierce fatty stuff. Delicious though!


Lads, I’ve a pack of Galtee rashers in the fridge which I boughtwhile drunk about two weeks ago and never used. The Use By date is
February 2nd.

Should I eat them? There’s a bit of a strong smell off them but that could be me being paranoid.

I’m off today and I’d love an oul rasher sandwich.

Give them a good grilling and they will be grand.

Had a lump of Sirloin steak defrosted but was stuck for something to have with it and was too lazy to walk to the shop. Boiled up some Brown Rice and poached a couple of eggs I had along with half an onion fried with the steak. Added a tea spoon of Reggae Reggae sauce to the rice as well.

It was quite tasty and I will be having it again

Baked Salmon with a pesto glaze. Some sprouts and cauliflower and some baby pototes drenched in scallions and kerry gold.

I am bursting at the seams.

Home made chocolate flap jacks up next.

That sounds disgusting

You should be arrested.