
Had 4 beef burgers chopped up in pittas with feta cheese, onion and salad for breakfast. I’m now off to wreck the jacks…

Fucking hell Paulie you’re good to yourself. I was just going through some recipes there sent by a friend called “Metabolic Cooking”. Recipes for Asian Turkey Burgers, Salmon patties and the like-what’s your opinion on this stuff mate? I was appalled at the weekend to discover I have put on 3/4 of a stone since November and this needs to be urgently addressed. Head over to the Diet and Nutrition thread there and we can discuss.

There is a simple but delicious lamb burger with feta cheese recipe on BBC food, i’ll try dig it out for you…

Here you go mate… couple of these, minus the buns, and a few sweet potato chips on the side would be a delicious yet healthy meal.


[quote=“chewy louie, post: 749800, member: 1137”]Has Sushi last night.

Horrible, horrible shite[/quote]

sushi is one of gods gifts you neanderthal.

where is the best sushi place in ireland would any of the more cultured posters care to share?
not some yellow pack franchise joint like you see dotted round dublin, i mean someplace where you can trust the sashimi and the nigiri isent fucked together like a topaz deli counter?
yamamori i suppose, its reasonable but nothing special in my mind

[quote=“HBV*, post: 749825, member: 234”]sushi is one of gods gifts you neanderthal.


You got there before me

moreton bay bugs with chiili and lime - eaten in the delightful surroundings of Queen st Mall


[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 749842, member: 80”]moreton bay bugs with chiili and lime - eaten in the delightful surroundings of Queen st Mall


:smiley: fancy.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 749825, member: 234”]sushi is one of gods gifts you neanderthal.

where is the best sushi place in ireland would any of the more cultured posters care to share?
not some yellow pack franchise joint like you see dotted round dublin, i mean someplace where you can trust the sashimi and the nigiri isent fucked together like a topaz deli counter?
yamamori i suppose, its reasonable but nothing special in my mind[/quote]

Have been to Musashi Sushi in Capel Street a few times and it is very good. Can grab a few bottles in the off-licence across the road and bring them with you.

Top of the list however is Michie Sushi in Ranelagh. Absolute quality. The brother is living in Tokyo and married to a Japanese bird and whenever they’re over we always try and get a night out here. Excellent fare.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 749824, member: 168”]Here you go mate… couple of these, minus the buns, and a few sweet potato chips on the side would be a delicious yet healthy meal.

Cheers pal. I am going to try out this turkey burger dish on Wednesday with some salad on the side.

• 1 pound ground turkey
• ¼ cup minced onion
• 3 tablespoons chopped fresh
• 2 tablespoons Worcestershire
• 2 tablespoons minced green
bell pepper
• 1 tablespoon soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon water
• 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
• Salt and pepper
• 2 cloves garlic, crushed

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a big bowl.
  2. With clean hands, squeeze it together until it’s very well combined.
  3. Divide into three equal portions and form into burgers about
    ¾ inch (2 cm) thick.
  4. Spray a skillet with non-stick cooking spray.
  5. Place over medium-high heat.
  6. Cook the burgers for about 5 minutes per side until cooked

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 749787, member: 686”]WTF?

Cashel blue, Cambozola, Old Amsterdam and Comté with some water crackers and grapes to be precise

All tasty within their own right I’m sure but after a feed of appletart… :eek:

[quote=“HBV*, post: 749825, member: 234”]sushi is one of gods gifts you neanderthal.

where is the best sushi place in ireland would any of the more cultured posters care to share?
not some yellow pack franchise joint like you see dotted round dublin, i mean someplace where you can trust the sashimi and the nigiri isent fucked together like a topaz deli counter?
yamamori i suppose, its reasonable but nothing special in my mind[/quote]

Koishi in ballsbridge is the nicest sushi I’ve ever had.

Have a pot of butter chicken on the go at the moment. Severely hung over and hoping it hits the spot.

Just had a stonking Green Thai Curry. Absolutely delicious. Last meal on earth stuff.

Juhnialio, you seem fond of the asian/ indian cuisine. A lot of recipies in my curry cookbook call for Kashmiri chillies. Are these easily got do you know?

Savage stuff lads, ye make me wanna get off my ass and stir up something decent…

Makings of a turkey curry in the fridge.

It was good, but not brilliant. I was short a few of the more obscure ingredients so I think that took from it a little

Have some venison sausages that I will brown in the pan and then roast in the oven with some peppers. Will poach an egg and have some baby spuds and carrots with them

Cup of coffee and a bournville bar now to round it off.