
I’m not bloated, I look like Carl Froch ffs, you need to open your mind to new ideas and stop thinking like a roaster, the road to spiritual enlightenment


I’ve forgotten more about diet and nutrition than you’ll ever know, mate. Keep eating bread, fatso.

you are stuck in an outdated mindset, afraid of change and enlightenment, diet and nutrition have moved on, but you are stuck in 1997

@ChocolateMice is correct Tassoti, bread is poison. Shit will blow you up.

If you say so, porky.

thats what i used to think, like a thick ignorant roaster,until I educated myself, the molecular structure of organic sourdough is totally different to the shit you buy in the shops

It’s still bread mate, organic or not.
Only roasters like @Smark and @mac stuff their faces with bread and spuds, two of the biggest poisons out there.
You’re mugging yourself off here.

my physical condition would indicate otherwise, i ate loads of spuds, when you train as hard as I do, you need the carbs

That looks absolutely sensational, have you the recipe?

its in that picture from last night up the page a small bit, it was so good, I made another 2, you could even ate the topping on its own, simply sensational, Leek and Cheese toastie

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Cheese on toast and loads of it :joy:

You must be the size of a house.



Oh lads that’s a mugging off

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Is he the lad that eats curry with pasta? :joy:

there’s enough to feed 4 adults on that plate, he obviously has an eating disorder, and then coming on here trying to talk about diet and nutrition, you could not actually make it up


he must be around 18 or 19 stone f that is the dinner princess has to serve up to him every night :smile:

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@Tassotti - that is tremendous work pal! Looks sensational, and with the added health benefits from eating sourdough bread versus store-bought shite… :thumbsup:

Of course, if you want to sit down and munch through a loaf of sourdough, you’ll be as bloated as the next man, but pound for pound it’s healthier than any other bread.

Great to see someone with the courage of his convictions!


cheers pal, certainly better than sitting down to 6 kilos of chilli with white pasta anway

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I don’t see what the problem is here? It’s no more than the slop you’ve posted up, pal. First off, It’s a small plate and as you will recall I was only eating 1 whole meal a day at the time.

You’re living on bread and cheese… You might as well be tucking into a lump of lard.

You’re obviously a peasant if you reckon you could stretch that to four portions. I’ve seen skinny children eat portions of that size (although pasta with chilli is a bit odd)