
Pasta and beef is odd? Have you ever had spag bol?

Always go rice with the chilli myself mate. Just had a fine plate of it this evening. Wouldn’t say it wouldn’t be tasty with the pasta but haven’t had it as such

I also gave a valid reason at the time but sneering pricks like @TreatyStones don’t give a fuck about the truth, they just want a cheap laugh.

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Its a large dinner plate pal, I have analysed the image with the latest technology, and worked out the dimensions, listen, I have no beef with you, there is no no need to be so aggressive because I have made enormous positive changes in my life, and am able to eat normally, its fairly obvious you have a gluten intolerance

There’s gluten in pasta, mate.

you must blow up like a balloon when you ate a slice of bread, it must drive you ape? its not my fault

I wouldn’t know, I haven’t eaten bread in years. By and large i only eat foods that aid my training regime…cheese on toast is like something a roaster college GAA player would ate after doing 50 laps of a pitch.

its vegetarian super food with essential amino acids and carbs, you really are missing out

Cheese on toast? Cheese is one of the most fattening things you can eat on top of bloating bread… You might as well be down the pub ateing one of those Ham,cheese and onion toasties that come in a plastic pack.

ah here, are you having a laugh? seriously now?

Don’t forget the acetic acids in the sourdough. I had a wrap in work today - very healthy fillings - but my guts have been in knots since. NEVER happens with sourdough. As the old saying goes, the proof of the pudding is always in the eating.

This was just sent to me as well - as if you needed any justification that you’re on the right track…


I’d say the straining you do on the jacks must be unreal… All that stodgy and fat filled food clinging to the walls of your intestines and anal cavity and your eye nearly popping out of your head with the straining.

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Fish Friday with steamed basmati rice and broccoli (@HBV)


What the fuck ?

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Cod roasted in an Indian style sauce

It looks like it’s floating in oil ?

Just a bit of olive oil mixed with chilli, ginger, garlic, cumin etc

i have two really good shites a day usually, unreal fluidity, it just flows out, you really haven’t a clue what you are talking about do you?

I’d say that’s ghee

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There’s a very nice cauliflower dish that goes well with indian sauce. I can’t remember it exactly but it’s dry fried in spices.