
Yeah. Halloumi is a game changer

Halloumi is full of rennet.

I had a lovely bit of lemon sole there for the tea. With mushy peas and chips. Noble.

Barbecued chicken marinated in Peri Peri sauce, served with a quinoa salad with roasted peppers (FAO of @Fitzy capsicums), Caesar salad, corn and pineapple. Accompanied with a glass of chilled coconut water.



Black pudding and coffee for breakfast. Nothing else needed.


Had hidden veg meatballs for dinner last night. A meatball recipe from Centra that somehow manages to get your 5 a day in one go. It was fucking revolting. I should have known better when I was taking a recipe from Centra but their little promo video looked good.

@Tassotti will be physically sick if he reads this,centra meatballs,puke

I’m impressed with the salad, I’m impressed with the chicken. Two issues - pineapple - horrid fruit, I can see no redeeming features of this at all.
Alcohol - there isn’t any there, why?

Peri peri sauce is a disgusting cheap imitation of piri piri marinade. Lazy.

An unreal curry on the go here…
2onions chopped and cooked for 20 minutes in chicken stock… Then added, cumin, coriander, turmeric, chilli powder, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, cloves, cardamom pods, pepper corns into the mix for a few minutes then whacked in the Chicken and after 5 minutes put in the end of the stock… After 20 mins simmerimg remove to cool a bit and whack in a tub of natural low fat yogurt…unreal.

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mate, I am just after devouring something similar.

Sweat reeling off me here like a grade A roaster

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Good ingredients but you would get a much more flavorful result by sautéing the onions and spices first in light olive oil or gee. A bit of high heat really brings out the flavors from the spices. Otherwise good stuff.


Lovely Shepherds Pie there with beans. A marriage made in heaven.

grand bit of stew to warm me up.


Looks lovely

Nothing like a bit of gee on a Sunday


Tis lovely Tass. I reckon I’ll get a bowl of soup out of it tomorrow too.

I like the way you just fucked it out onto the plate, that will drive a few of the queers who post here into a frenzy but most will appreciate that as a top end plate of grub.

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I threw in some kidney beans as they are apparently healthy for you.

I like pineapple. It is also a wonderful palate cleanser.
No alcohol because I was out til 4 Saturday night and I was broken/defeated/listless.