
Stock was the low fat option over ghee or oil which I would normally use.

On the curry myself tonight, lamb and sweet potatoe. Great stuff altogether

Pineapple is lovely stuff. I’d often put it on a pizza


Paulo Tullio hated people who put pineapple on pizza

That’s the greatest endorsement you can get for pineapple on pizza

Do you have dinner around the same time every Sunday, pal? More a Sunday evening than a high noon dinner man?

I like to have dinner at about 6 on a Sunday pal to get a good run at the football later in the night and there’s also plenty of room for treats later.

We were having the in laws over this evening though so it was planned to start at 5 to accommodate all the kids but Mrs Fran’s father turned up 2 hours late, the cunt. Just aswell there’s no football tonight.

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You’re right it’s ghee. I meant that but was thinking about gee, a common mistake.

Disgusting carry on.

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can’t beat a ham and pineapple pizza, it really is thinking outside the box

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This is my dinner today. Leftover chicken, quinoa, peppers (red, yellow and green), scallions, cucumber and beetroot. Unreal! Most fellas here wouldn’t even know how to pronounce quinoa let alone eat it (notwithstanding @Tassotti of course who would know exactly what it is) but its a real game changer. Two years ago I’d have been sat here shovelling spuds into my gob but I have made great strides as once a week now I have quinoa instead.


Looks lovely, pal.

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And look how that turned out for him

I’m absolutely delighted for you, incredible lifestyle changes there

what’s he at these days, is he still on the tele as a food critic?

He’s dead mate. Possibly due to a lack of pineapple in his diet

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what?? when?

Culinary and nutritional experts like @ironmoth and myself have been singing the praises of quinoa ( pronounced “kinwa” or “keane wha?” by the Irish). It’s a superfood, 20% carbs (less than 1% sugar), 4.5% protein and less than 2% fat, and an incredible source of essential minerals and vitamins.

Here’s great way to cook it: Saute a finely diced onion, 4 cloves garlic (no fucking cloves @ironmoth), 2 tbs finely chopped lemongrass, 1 tbs finely chopped fresh ginger, 1 tsp coriander spice and 1/2 tsp cumin in a few tbs olive oil. Add 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups chicken or vegetable stock and juice of one lemon or two limes, bring to the boil, cover and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Take off the lid, stir, put the lid back on and cook another 3 minutes. Str in 1/4 cup of chopped cilantro and a bit of salt and pepper. If you want some extra protein you can saute some cubes of tofu in olive oil and add that at the end.


Love shepherds pie.

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Quinoa is so 2008